MAJOR: Infernalist "Infernal hound" permanently gone, cannot be resummoned

Hi, the Infernal Hound has disappeared and cannot be resummoned under any circumstances. Didn't do anything crazy and I'm not 100% sure when it happened exactly, but here's what I've done to try and fix it:

1. Logged in/out, walked back into map, minion missing.
2. Logged in/out, removed all support gems on the skill, minion still missing.
3. Removed all minions and unreserved all spirit, hound still MIA.
4. Logged out, refunded the ascendancy point (20k, got to love it), walked back into the map, allocated the point, minion did not summon.
5. Tried moving to other acts and zones, issue persists.

Only thought is that it might be tied to Last Gasp in some way, but if so, the effect is permanent even after removing the gem. It was the last gem I socketed upon reaching the 5th gem slot, but it seemed to work no problem after doing so.
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 2:46:16 PM
Just updating to include the support gem loadout I had at the time that I noticed it. Again, these gems have been socketed pretty much constantly until the addition of Last Gasp:

-Elemental Army
-Fire Exposure
-Last Gasp
I do not have a solution to your issue, but I'm currently experiencing the same defect. My hound or my minions are no longer summoning. Similarly I've restarted the game multiple times, unspotted everything and yet no minions, hound, or any summoning seem to activate. I'm not sure if its a known issue, but I'm currently seeing more and more of the same issue involving witch problems arise.
I am also having this problem, I had just got a new scepter and after equipping it no longer have any minions, even tried putting the old scepter back on and all of my requirements are met, especially since the infernal hound is free.
So I assume you right clicked on the skill above the skill gem and it won't toggle on?

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