Cannot Open Gemcutting Panel on Xbox

The gemcutting panel in the game cannot be accessed directly from the interface on Xbox. It can only be opened when adding a new gem. This restriction prevents navigation to the panel for planning purposes.

Steps to Reproduce:
- Launch the game on Xbox.
- Attempt to open the gemcutting panel directly from the interface. There is no hotkey nor options in the character menu.
- Add a new gem to a slot from the inventory.
- Observe that the gemcutting panel becomes accessible.

Expected Result:
The gemcutting panel should be accessible directly from the interface, without the need to add a new gem.

Actual Result:
The gemcutting panel is inaccessible unless a new gem is being added, limiting the ability to plan or review gemcutting options without a gem.

This issue disrupts gameplay planning and creates a frustrating user experience. Numerous players have expressed dissatisfaction regarding this limitation here (

Environment: Platform: Xbox

Additional Notes:
It would enhance the gameplay experience if the gemcutting panel could be accessed directly from the game interface, regardless of whether a gem is being added.
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 2:21:18 PM
Looks the same on PC, I also did not find any options to see the gems besides the cut gem menu, but only with uncutted gems.
Last edited by tiagodavi70#3671 on Dec 9, 2024, 7:07:34 AM

So difficult to plan without this. Need this for PC as well.
Seriously ggg?
Can't open this shit on PC, like wtf?
I have a damn keyboard for a reason, how can you possibly overlook something like this?

Also, add some damn loot to the game, like wtf is this shit?
More loot in tetris, ffs.
+1 to this! I want to check out Bone Blast without having to leave the game etc.

This is the case for all platforms and is intended but I will pass your feedback on.
Would love to be able to read about the skillgems ingame without having to have an uncut gem in my inventory at all times.

Please add a keybind for this menu yes mhm
why there is no hot key here
Yeah same on PC. G open the Skill gems menu but I wanna be able to see all the support skill whenever i feel like it,and not having to keep an extra uncut support gem of each kind to be able to see that.
can't believe it's intended to make it so inconvenient

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