Die Prüfung des Chaos
I have the bug with "Die Prüfung des Chaos". It is impossible to open or close the instance. A friend and me had closed the group and then opened the instance "Die Prüfung des Chaos" few seconds later. For any reason we ended both in the same instance, which I guess shouldn't be the case. It seems like he is now the owner for my instance as he can open and close for me the instance. Unfortunatelly I can not do anything, just joing. As well the selection within the instance needs to be selected by him. For me is the door always open and when I click select the "Tempel-Opfer" and click "Öffnen" (I guess should be "Schließen" as it is already open), I get the message "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden". If the mate close the door for me, I can click "Öffnen", but then I get the message "Nur der Prüfungsbesitzer kann damit interagieren". May I ask you to correcy my issue that I can try the instance. Thank you. Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 3:25:25 PM