Screen Size on PS5

Hey everyone, having an issue and seeing if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.

When I go to menus in the PS5 version some of the top/bottom and side edges are cut off. I try to resize the screen in PS5 options but this does not help at all. I have seen this problem referenced before on other forums but there hasn't been a fix listed. Anyone else having this issue?

Thanks All, have been loving the game so far.
Last bumped on Jan 18, 2025, 2:08:25 PM
Same. I believe this is a common issue from what I’ve seen across the PS5 community.
Yes, same issue. After adjusting safe area it resets
I also have this problem. A lot of information is not seen. Will there be a patch to fix this soon?
I had the same issue but I have done some digging online and found a fix that worked for me.
I have an old Samsung TV so this may be different for the rest of you, anyway...

- On the TV
In the Picture menu, I had it set to 16:9 because that is the ratio of my screen. For this fix, I changed it to Fit To Screen (it doesn't make any difference to the TV at all -so far)

- On the PS5
Settings > Screen and Video > Screen > Adjust Display Area
Calibrate this to match your screen, just don't cut off the circles

This should be all.
It may be worth checking Options > General > Adjust Safe Area when playing, if you need more refined adjusting of the interface.

If this fixed it for you too, you're welcome.
You can send an Exalted Orb my way, Necrobit__ ;)
I have the same problem. I play on a full HD TV.
I am still getting this issue after adjusting whats possible. I hope this will be fixed soon as its difficult to figure out what buttons to press when the information is off screen.
The same problem. Different life-hacks from the Internet did not help.
Same problem and has persisted since the launch of EA. No amount of adjusting game, console or TV settings is fixing it.
As it is, it makes the game unplayable for me and the radio silence from GGG doesn't fill me with hope for this game.

Once agin, despite their claims otherwise, the console community is given an inferior version.

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