*** DEMON FORM Chaos Damage ****

Hello, I leveled all the way through the campaign using a combo of ed/contagion.

Demon form dodge is super fast. You lose life, while in form, but gain damage.
However, if you path to get some regen life, and 1 piece of life regen this doesnt affect me. I ran demon form after i got points 3/4 for ascendency, stayed in demon form. The Downside...... you lose wep and shield. I would like to maybe swap outta demon form. I wish i could try bloodmage with ed/contagion.. might reroll to test.

into maps i feel ok, slighty squish but i need to work on my res a bit.

also hexblast is very op

i run blasphemy support

next i currently have over 160 spirit, so my plan is to swap to a coc, hexblast or something idk how this will work yet, but i plan to start testing today. will post tomorrow
Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 6:34:28 PM
you absolutely dont want bloodmage, especially for ED/chaos build.

Bloodmage provide nothing to ED/dot. Only good thing about bloodmage is elemental bleed and some crit. You dont need both for ED.

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