Initial Feedback

The game is pretty great so far. A lot harder then I thought. I don't know how I feel about such a low drop chance on everything but I understand it is to veer players more toward crafting with currency and also vendors.

• PoE 2 does not have a great ressing system.. you can't tell when you are being ressed .. the icon for someone ressing somebody else is non existant, you have to see them on the minimap. The glowing effect is cool and all but I wish there was a loading bar for my personal preference.
• Infinite loading screen when partying up with friends sometimes(haven't had it happen today though). We did have 2 console players and 1 on PC when this was happening.
• The Decrees audio... or whatever you try to listen to, they don't keep reading while you leave.. PoE 1 was great where you could run and listen to the lore.
• ALL these dead ends with 1 chest.. and barely anything drops but gold.. if it's just going to be gold at least have multiple chests and not just 1. Some parts in Act2 you can see multiple chests you can't even open that look the same as the chest you just opened too.. kind of disappointing.
• Latency build up over time - laggy Stash and Guild Stash menu. Sometimes you cannot pick up items after clicking a lot!
• Sometimes cannot rename Guild Stash tabs on Console, R3 button linked to different action.
• My friend was having issues getting skeletons and artic armor to work as a sorceress, says he is turning it on an off with Spirit but no luck working. I at time wonder if my Herald of Thunder is even working at all, it's strange to not see any indication besides the icon over my ability bar. It makes me think if he isn't getting his armor/skeletons, then I am probably not getting my Herald of Thunder for the spirit invested into the skill that says it is 'ON' in the menus.
• Console controller selection isn't as manuverable as PoE1.. It stinks that you cannot pick up anything until every monster nearby is dead.. even ones right out side your map, the attack seems to lock onto them instead of pick up items near by.
• GUILD STASH TABS I bought in PoE1 because you guys said they would transfer over into PoE2 DID not transfer over. I hope this issue is addressed for vets!
• Pressing Square to use something (gem, rune or otherwise) in the guild stash inventory currently crashes the game.
• While you are teamed up in a party, pressing touchpad to look at inventory keeps you running in a direction. This can get you killed or put you in unpredictable situations if your party member changes directions.
• I can't use any of my 'Thaumaturge Of The Vaal' pack on Console yet... I jumped through hoops and had to EXTRA BUY the 30 dollar pack just to play the game right now. BUT I DID buy the 160 dollar pack on the website on December 2nd(4 days before game launched)! So, help a brotha out and get this working when you can! I would love to show this look off! A lack of planning on that end but please make it up to us who spent good money on your game!
• After dying, need at least 2 options, not just 'resurrect at checkpoint' because
not everyone wants to respawn over and over in the middle of the jungle and be 1 shot by a huge silver gorilla with a pillar... or run away just to be swarmed because everything respawned.
Even when you close the game and reload the game you are stuck in a death loop. There needs to be a 'Respawn in Town' option or 'Respawn at beginning of map option'.
• I feel like the lady who 'Disanchants' things could be combined with the Salvage Bench, so you can do all of that in 1 place easy instead of running to multiple points to get currency.
• Beginning of Act 3 (at least of Console) stash outpost stashes drop items on the ground instead of 'quick' stash them.
• The Console Stash and the Guild Stash have switched buttons to change tabs and move tabs. If I press R1/L1 in the Guild stash it MOVES the tab instead of CHANGES the tab while in my personal stash R1/L1 CHANGES tabs instead of MOVES the tab. Very annoying going back and forth.
• For some reason Discord and PoE2 running at the same time sometimes cause issues (heard from my PC friend). On PSN console, sometimes it seems like PoE2 is disconnecting my Discord account where I have to Re-link it to use it as well. Very Strange issue.
• I actually found myself missing Orbs of Alteration.
• The Salvage bench cannot break down % Quality Flasks.

Thanks for reading, hope some of this feedback is taken into consideration!
-Bauchie Poestis
Last edited by Poestis#9811 on Dec 11, 2024, 10:23:57 PM
Last bumped on Dec 11, 2024, 6:30:25 PM
Here is a Youtube link for what I was referring to with the bullet point talking about Console controller selection (and targeting issue). It won't open the Crate/Door or pick up an item near feet when an enemy is on screen. Need to fix this.
Also, sometimes you will be trying to cast a curse on an enemy right in front of you and it will cast it on the guy in the back. Another instance is you are running backwards and it shoots backwards instead of shoots the guy right in front of you while you are strafing backwards. Third instance is you will be trying to shoot an enemy in front of you, but instead aims slightly left or right to shoot a guy over a river/crevasse. This is ESPECIALLY ANNOYING in Escape Trials when you do the Ascendancy on console! Hopefully this targeting issue will be tuned to work more accordingly.
-Bauchie Poestis
Last edited by Poestis#9811 on Dec 12, 2024, 3:52:48 AM

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