New game, old trade

Welcome to PoE 2... where the traders are all afk and PMs go unanswered.
Seriously, you guys ALMOST made it bearable with settlers. But nothing as enjoyable as PM'ing 45 people to just not get answered.
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 2:54:10 PM
Welcome to pc trading, extremely frustrating.
Yeah, but it doesn't need to be. Plenty of games have an AH feature. They could've made it work with this too.
Yeah the old console system was great, had a lot of fun trading stuff, now… it’s disgusting, hopefully the new system will be there on launch in 6…
Trading seems a harder for console players. I am looking to add as many xbox players on xbox live as possible so that we can more easily trade and coop with one another. If you are interested add me on xbox live and send me a message. StrykerxS77x is my tag.

This way you can easily just invite me to
a party and ask if I have the item that you are looking for. I have exalts to trade but I really don't like the trade site right now.
this is why I was going to start SSF

then tried to find how to join SSF for an hour

and then realized that it's a bug and playstation isn't allowed to do SSF

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