Dangerzone Merc-Gemling Shockburst Rounds Build
This build focuses on the Skill "Shockburst Rounds" from the crossbow skill list.
It has high dps and oneshots packs when they are next to each other. At lv 65 i could kill most bosses under 30seconds and the packs are no problems. They core skills for the build are "Shockburst Rounds", "Lightning Warp" and "Ball Lightning". The Synergie between this skills is perfect and makes your "Shockburst Rounds" activate the secondary Ability of the Skill the "Pulse"(your main DPS!). The core Skills do for themself no damage and are actually useless, but the Synergie and the Pulse from "Shockburst Rounds" are strong. How does the combo work? First you send the "Ball Lightning" out and cast "Lightning Warp" on the Ball. You will teleport to the position of the Ball and consume it. The moment you consume it, you will send out a AOE Blast. The Blast is useless by the way, but you gonna leave a Shocked Ground on that Postion. The Shocked Ground applies the Status "Shocked" and it is used for the "Shockburst Rounds". All enemies get the ailment who enter the Ground and are ready to take the full DPS of your Rounds. The only downside of this combo is that you going to be next to the enemies when you create your little Dangerzones :). For that you want to be a bit tanky and use some other defensive utility skills or you can just kite them inside the Shocked Ground. Skill Gem & Support: Shockburst Rounds -Scattershot (-20% DMG, Attackspeed and Castspeed; +2 Projectile per Shot) (SS) -Concentratet Effekt (+40% AOE DMG; -50% Area of Effekt)(CE) -Primal Armament (+25% Elemental DMG)(PA) -Lightning Infusion (+25% Lightning DMG; -50% Fire DMG and Cold DMG)(LI) -Elemental Focus (+25% Elemental DMG; cannot build up elemental ailments)(EF) The Skill has 450% Attack Speed of the base Weapon. It is a mashine gun basically. For example your Base Attack per Second of your Crossbow is 1.65. 1.65x4.5 x 0,8(SS) = 5.94 1s/5.94 = 0,168s That means you shoot every 0.168second. With Scattershot, you shoot 3 projectiles every 0.168 seconds. In about a second you shoot 18 projectiles. After 2.5seconds you reload. At Gemlv 14 Shockburst Rounds deals 32% Attack DMG and convert 40% of Physical to Lightning. The Pulses deal 128% Attack DMG und convert 100% Physical to Lightning DMG per projectile: - Rounds Physical Portion: Attack DMG x Conversion x Scattershot(SS) 32% x (1-0.4) x (1-0.2) = 15.36% Lightning Portion: Attak DMG x Conversion x Scattershot(SS) x (PA) x (LI) x (EF) 32% x (1-0.6) x (1-0.2) x (1+0.25) x (1+0.25) x (1+0.25) = 30% -Pulse Attack DMG x Conversion x (SS) x (CE) x (PA) x (LI) x (EF) 128% x 1 x (1-0.2) x (1+0.4) x (1+0.25) x (1+0.25) x (1+0.25) = 280% The Rounds deal 45.36% Attack DMG per projectile and per second that is about 816.48% Attack DMG. (actually low dmg) The Pulses deal 280% per projectile and per second that is about 5040% The "Shockburst Rounds" with those Support-Gems deal 5856.48% Attack DPS on shocked Targets. writing.... Last edited by Suggarnaut#2010 on Dec 11, 2024, 10:48:57 AM Last bumped on Dec 21, 2024, 8:51:10 AM
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I'm currently using it yeah, I'm quite used to but yeah need tankiness because as awsome as that combo is, I'm usually the one in dangerzone lmao
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A word of warning to anyone who reads this build guide, it doesn't really work on a controller because of auto targeting. I don't know how it works on mouse & keyboard, but with a controller it's very difficult to use lightning orb and the warp when the enemy is in your face. You can't cast the orb behind you because of auto lock-on so the shockburst rounds become useless. When it does work it does A LOT of damage, but when breach monsters are surrounding you, there is nothing you can do really.
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