Sisters of Garukhan shrine should be a drop that you can consume.(Beware)

Hello all,

I guess you could see this as me just being a noob dumb idiot but I was leveling a new build that had intended to use Doryani's prototype but as I was moving through The Spires of Deshar I (unknowingly) clicked on the Sisters of Garukhan statue and instantly got a +10% lightning res.

Noob Down.

I would just like it to drop and give me the choice to consume it like the other resistance buffs in the acts so I would have the choice to brick my build or not. either way i will not be making this mistake again lolxd.
Last bumped on Jan 13, 2025, 12:41:51 PM
just had this happen to me as well. prototype players beware.
Yep, just had this happen. There goes a few hours of leveling.
I have no idea what prototype players are, but I still agree because it’d simply make it way more clear. As a casual player, the current UX is terrible.
Bump, I just accidentally got the buff too. We should be allowed to turn it off if we want.

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