My Feedback for console as of 12/14

1. Respecs need to be given with nerfs or reduce gold costs and tune respec costs before launch. This only should be done through early access to promote the best testing possible.

2.Minion Ai -rather weak consistently getting stuck and trying to target offerings on a minion is too difficult. My solution for offerings would be create a defender tag and we can set offerings to be cast on this type of minion.

3.Trade and third party advantages for pc - Now that we have crossplay competitive integrity is in question by many. This needs to be addressed by staff at this point in a news post. Things like awaken poe trade, filterblade, trade site. Massive improvements need to be made to limit 3rd party software. While i may not agree with everyone on what a trade board. One thing we all agree on is you can't have two vastly different experiences.

4. Target selection when using abilites- im sure i am not the only one but i tried all alt fire methods on ranger and constantly feel like i am fighting ai to hit the closest threat. Grenades need alt fire to be placed at feet im sure there is other instance where alt behaviors would greatly improve builds.

5. Screen tearing- im sure everyone on x box and playstaytion have enjoyed act 3 flashbangs in middle of fighting a pack of mobs. I don't know the eta on this fix but please make it soon.

6.Ability to read prefix and suffix stats- right now they are very faint when you look at an item. Please make this brighter so we can actually see the tier.

7.Quick stash- The button seems to break every 15mins and only fixes when you relog

8.Linking items in chat- Why did we change this from poe 1. i can't be the only one annoyed by all the extra steps to link an item. Let me press 1 button to link and be done with it pleas.

9.Mini map improvements- It would be nice to move map around in zone instead of having to back track to every area to see what you missed.

10. Loot- Overall loot has seen some massive improvements my only complaint would be most uniques seem very underwhelming. Drops feel like they have no purpose with lack of filter. Should be that epic moment when you know something good just dropped.

11.Bosses in story feel good but rewards feel lackluster.

12.It's been 11 years since i asked but pants in poe when?

13. Supporter packs- Console players can’t buy the ability to get physical goods or create in game items like pc. Would be nice to have a way to obtain the items as well.

14. Battlepass- when game launches it would be nice if we actually had a good battlepass the Poe 1 pass was always a joke.

15. My solution to trade add a new tab with a limit on purchased amount of tabs. These items get listed with buyout prices. Add fees to put items in tab maybe a new droppable currency token. Create in game mailbox for items and payment to be delivered.

16.Sending Guild Points- Thanks for adding the option to do this in game but leaders can’t accept them in game can we get this added as well.

17. Guild Invites- Even if you’re in a guild people can still spam you with invites in town. It’s rather annoying seeing the invites every time you log in if you can’t decline them due to being in one.

18.Build planner- We all know path of building will be released by the community developers at some point. Why is this not an in game feature at this point. Console has never had easy access to this. I get the game needs to be explored and uncover things but planning a build and then making it is an awesome experience. There is no logical reason this can't be added post launch. I understand it will need development time. Plenty of content that gets thrown up on youtube or other areas that ruin this experience your trying to protect. If the argument is because it already exist remember this is console and it does not. we should be able to hit pause and actively go into a build planner in game.

Overall really enjoying the game and the slower approach to things. Looking forward to the six new classes. Will add another post once i start mapping as i am just lvling multiple characters through the story atm.
Last edited by bloodspaz#8599 on Dec 15, 2024, 11:01:06 AM
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 11:01:44 AM
Agree with all of the above and add (noting that I am on PS5):
- would appreciate the opton to make UI text one size larger
- Grim Feast pickup radius needs to be slightly larger (plus 1 unit?)
- auto aim needs to have a slightly larger range (plus 1 unit?)
- some (all?) spells need to have option to not auto-aim (e.g. would like to auto target Spark while not tossing FlameWall+Fortess across the map)
Reserved for map feedback

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