Game is crashing when loading into drowned city

I used waypoint to teleport to Drowned City and it crashed my game. Whenever I try logging into my character that's located in the Drowned City, my game crashes. Please help.
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 11:38:56 AM
Got the same bug. My first character got stuck in infinite crash loop. I lvled second one and get crash es i the same map too.
Two unplayable characters and no way to progress the game :(
Just wanted to say I also experienced something like this yesterday. I was playing in a party of 2 and we were separated on the map so maybe that caused it? In total I probably had about 15-20 crashes. I would crash while in Drowned City (usually while attacking monsters), then after loading back in the game would crash to desktop after ~5 seconds (I started attacking the monsters around me) or a few times it crashed immediately. A steam file verification seemed to help (1 file was repaired) but I also crashed once on a different map after (I think Temple of Kopec). Drowned City was definitely unique though with how many crashes I got. I cleared the zone a few days ago in 1 sitting and never crashed so it seems maybe a recent patch caused this. I am on Windows 10 version 10.0.19045 Build 19045.
What is the error in windows reliability monitor?
This is also happening to my level 70 ranger. Try to tele back to town and get kicked to windows home screen., Please repair this so we can continue to play our characters. Thank you

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