Using Tempest Bell with gamepad feels terrible compared to keyboard

After playing PoE 2 using WASD for dozens of hours I decided to try Monk using a PS5 controller. As I'm approaching the end of Act 2, I feel like I am already going crazy with how unresponsive and unreliable the targeting is. There are two main scenarios there happen when I press Tempest Bell:

1) I use the left stick to aim towards the bell while pressing Ice Strike. While not moving my fingers at all, my character randomly decides to change targets (sometimes the bell, sometimes a foe close to the bell).
2) After there are no more enemies close to the bell, and let's say the bell is upwards, I aim the left stick down to face another enemy and hold Ice Strike, and then my Monk goes absolutely nuts: He hits the enemy once, then dashes to bell, then back to the enemy and so on.

I feel like if I place a bell the targeting for that should take a very high priority (#1), but if I'm targeting a completely different direction the bell should be ignored entirely (#2), kinda like a line of sight system (can't see, can't target).
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 4:39:31 PM
yes this is terrible i died a lot bc of that like you kill some mobs with the bell, ground death effect spawn, so you move away and start bashing some other mobs and then you get teleport back to your bell in the middle of some BS oneshot death effect trigger, rip. it's very frustrating tbh.

when i move away from my bell going and looking in the opposite direction i definitly should not auto target back the bell drive you crazy dieing like that :D i hope it get fixed cause i love the controller experience overall but this is total BS

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