Path of Exile 2 - MTX - Cursor Pack price discrepency
Microtransaction Shop -> Shop -> Account Features -> Cursor Pack costs 100 coins but if you select the pack to see each individual cursor you get with pack, it shows that each costs 0 coins and you can select any of the individual cursor to open window that lets you purchase the individual cursor and it still shows cost being 0.
It may be a visual error so the actual price would be withdrawn after purchase or a bug so you wouldn't be able to purchase individual cursor anyways but I have not dared press the purchase button to test if 0 coins would be withdrawn or not so thought I'd make a bug report. Last edited by gollabot#3925 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:36:33 PM Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 2:13:25 PM
It will give you an error if you attempt to purchase the individual "0 cost" cursors. It's just an oversight of the more robust PoE2 UI framework that includes multiple interchangeable components with an image of each. To compare with PoE 1, it lists out the contents in a similar way, but with no price as they can't be individually purchased.