Deadly boredom
(highly subjective opinion) I think this game is longer than a lifetime. It's terribly boring, too-too-too-too long. I'm glad it's a nice, inventive, appropriately difficult game. But I'm hanging myself. How can I finish this game while working? I can't play with my friends because everyone is rushing to finish it and their dicks are full of it, just get through it (act1-3x2). They made a multiplayer game, but you can't play multiplayer. I'm on vacation right now, 51 hours of playtime for act 1-3. This doesn't include Cruel. First POE character. I hope I have to complete the acts for the first and last time. I'M NOT WILLING TO FINISH THIS AGAIN! All that aside, congratulations, it's pretty exciting and if it weren't so damn boring it would be even better. You need too much tolerance for monotony to get through it. Personally, I'm sick of it. Seemingly endless maps, endless quests, bad questhelper (you'll definitely fix the latter). Idea for improvement: have that wonderful button after the 2x3 act, skip act (of course, if someone has already done it once. I don't buy games for the endlessly long story, but to play with friends.
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 6:57:07 PM
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