Salvage gear with sockets in inventory instead of returning to town

There is no reason to have gear with sockets take up so much space and having to portal back to town with a tab full of whites with sockets. I am fine with disenchanting in town, while i would love to be able to disenchant things on the go as well. Being able to sell for half the amount of gold on the go would help as well. Especially with the high respec costs. Make it a quest reward or something to be able to Salvage and disenchant on the go, i find this problematic in POE 1 as well. The entire floor filled with loot that's too much of a hassle to run back to town with but you need to identify it. While we are already interacting with the loot give us to option to further interact with the loot we already picked up and identified. I value my time, after the millionth disappointment of picking a yellow item having to toss it back on the floor with disappointment, reward me for my interaction with the item.
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2024, 1:43:01 AM

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