Skill tree with controller

I like the way the skill tree works with a mouse, and when I use a controller, the snapping between different nodes is a little jarring.

I think this screen would be awesome if you could move a cursor with the joystick and hover over the nodes to see what they do. This would be a much smoother experience.

Thanks for this great game - it’s been very fun so far!
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 4:49:37 PM
Maybe something like LS snaps but RS doesn't or a way to quickly toggle snapping on/off.

Also I would like a quick toggle for tooltips or a fixed screen position for the tooltips so they don't cover the area next to the cursor while trying to get an overview of the different paths.

On the other hand, as soon as we have a hybrid controll scheme, I'll probably switch to mous anyways.
What felt comfortable in other games is left thumb stick acted like a mouse and moves the cursor, and then the D-pad would snap. Felt really nice and smooth.

Agree on the tooltips too, they are really in the way sometimes.

I haven’t heard much about a Hybrid scheme. I would like to be able to use mouse sometimes, but have been a controller player for so long that I need that to be able to react at the speed needed for the difficult levels.

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