[POE2 0.1.0d] Demonfernalist - Cold / Crit / Demon Form - Witch Infernalist build
![]() Demonfernalist - Coldcrit build Foreword: Wanted to share an (off-meta?) build I've been playing. I love the demon-form shape-shifting class fantasy and so I determined to make a build utilising it. Pros: * No need to buy a weapon/shield (weapons/shields are disabled in demon form) * No mana: Pyromantic pact converts mana to infernal flame - no need to keep spamming that mana flask * Leveling friendly: able to run after first ascendancy * Demon form dodge roll: provides long-range roll & doubles as a scuffed movement ability * +6 to all skills from demon form makes it very versatile, easily able to run other skill setups with a few passive tree changes * Cheap to gear: No expensive/specialised uniques required * Respectable damage / clear speed * Quite defensive with: chill / freeze / slow & frost walls Cons: * Glass cannon: Low EHP * Oneshots are a danger * Probably not suited for hardcore
Video Showcase
Maps: T15 map: https://youtu.be/d4NUDfvf9_M T13 map: https://youtu.be/a0Epib2w9Gw T6 Map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUJ86sIkgMk&t (Successful) Ascendancy run for 5th & 6th points In two parts because I got interrupted part way through: parenthood yay. Trial of the Sekhemas (Part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7DrHxXEmQA Trial of the sekhemas (Part 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKF4DclW5DM Note: I failed my first 2 attempts, which was mostly due to lack of knowledge and having mediocre relics equipped.
Passive Tree
Ascendancy: Infernalist (witch) (6 points): ![]() Points 1 & 2: Demonic Possession Points 3 & 4: Mastered Darkness (Optional) Points 5 & 6: Pyromantic Pact (Optional) Points 7 & 8: For defence: Loyal Hellhound For offence: Grinning Immolation Passive Tree See passive tree here: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/178ee0b0
Passive Tree image
![]() If/when pathofexile.com supports poe 2's passive tree, I'll update this. I really wish I had path of building to optimise the skill tree, but so far this is what I've come up with.
How to get easy 5-link skill gems!
How do you get 5 link gems cheaply? Corruption! TLDR: Use a vaal orb to corrupt a skill gem and there is a chance (something like 1/4 or so) that it will add another socket; but it can also have a negative effect, so don't use it on high level skill gems. The method: 1. Get a low level skill gem that you don't care about 2. Use a lesser jewelers orb on it to increase support sockets from 2->3 3. Use a vaal orb on it to corrupt it 4. Equip the gem to see if you now have 4 open sockets (5-link), if you're lucky, congrats! If not, go back to 1. 5. Now use a high level skill gem to upgrade it to whatever level you want
Skill Gem setups
Skill: Supports Demon Form: second wind Frostbolt: Scattershot + Wildshards + Ambush + Acceleration Cold Snap: Unleash + Considered Casting + Concentrated Effect + Cold Penetration Frost Bomb: Fast Forward + Strip away + Glaciation Hypothermia: Persistence + Heightened curse + Expanse Frost wall: Fortress + Spell cascade + Ingenutiy + Font of blood Skill gem setup also viewable at: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/178ee0b0
Spirit Gems setup
Arctic armour: Vitality + Cannibalism Cast on freeze: Comet + Spell echo + Impetus + Energy Retention Blasphemy: Temporal chains + Magnified Effect
Gear Recommendations
Stat priority: 1. Resists 2. Health 3. Spirit (aim for 185, so 100 from campaign + 85 from gear) 4. Cast speed (enough to make gameplay comfortable) 5. crit chance / crit damage / spell damage / cold damage Amulet Anointment: Hard to kill (0.75% health regeneration) Uniques: Body armour: ![]() Dustbloom: This will provide all the regeneration you need until you can get enough from passives / Gear. Endgame you'll want to swap it out for a chest with HP/spirit/resistances. Belt: Infernoclasp - get one with +5 to maximum fire resistance - this will offset damage taken from Pyromantic Pact. Only really needed once you take Pyromantic Pact: you can get by without it, but it does smooth things out
Example gear (my gear): Not optimal by any means
Jewels / Runes
Stat priority: Jewels MINIMUM 14-15% increased health regeneration rate ON ALL JEWELS Other useful stats you can get on Ruby jewels: * Increased elemental damage % * Increased area of effect Runes: Rebirth runes for the 0.3% health regeneration, enough so that you aren't negative on health regeneration FAQ
Why life based instead of MoM/EB?
non-meme answer
Truthfully when I was concieving the build in my mind, I was still thinking in PoE 1 terms, where low life builds are tricky, because MoM cannot be used to migitate 100% of incoming chaos damage (MoM only mitigates 40% of incoming damage in poe 1), and so I ruled it out as an option. Also low life builds have big issues with getting frozen / bleeded / poisoned etc. However in the current poe2 game none of that matters since you can just get MoM and bobs your uncle, screw the game mechanics, you're fine! In its current state IMHO MoM / EB is extremely potent, far too powerful even, lets you build a ridiculously large life pool without a lot of effort. If / when it gets a nerf, it'll make playing such builds much more dangerous, and this - much safer. That said, in the current state of the game, those builds are much safer to play just due to the huge life pool. By the time I realise it's probably better to be MoM / EB, my gear / passives etc. are too far gone, I'm kind of locked in without spending a tonne to re-gear re-passive everything; and I'm just not going to do that. Feel free to share any feedback if you think it's good/bad, or tips to improve the build / any questions about the build etc. Thanks! "there is no spoone" - The Matricks Last edited by Zeekin#4930 on Dec 17, 2024, 9:26:13 AM Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 7:06:28 AM
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could you theoretically stack ES instead of HP and uncap the demonflame? MoM and EB aren't the only ES demon builds that are viable. i've got 4k ES and 500 HP, and with around 70 flat HP regen i'm able to end my form at 100 stacks comfortably.
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" Yep. You're absolutely right. I've completely respecced and re-geared into a low life version that is overall much better (link for anyone curious). The only real advantage of my build, is that it doesn't require any specialised uniques and can work with basically no gear. The build I swapped to is relatively much more expensive, but thanks to the farming I did on this build, I had enough to get what I needed. This build is essentially a dead-end build i.e. you can't really do much to improve what it's lacking (mostly survivability). At the moment ES is I would say overly dominant and it's very easy to get a big ES pool for relatively low investment, meanwhile life just kind of sucks - you get high life rolls on all your gear and wind up with a 2.5-3k life pool - which stinks. I bet we'll probably see some kind of change to how life/es is done in the future, because right now, if you're not running ES as a witch, you're probably doing it wrong. "there is no spoone" - The Matricks Last edited by Zeekin#4930 on Dec 18, 2024, 11:00:47 PM
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i want to know what weapon/off hand to use in this build, thank you
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Demon Form is severely bugged and crashes the game for many people, so this build is niche (to be nice) or unplayable (the truth).
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OMGs! My wife and I have been looking for a well built demon form build to run. Is this build still going strong, and do you have any plans in the future to lay out a good guide on how what a MoM/EB version of this would be, or at least any changes/suggestions to go about passives and gear for a MoM/EB version?
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