Is it possible to hide items by default and show them only by certain button press?

I've seen there was a option in settings, but I haven't get to understand how to use it.

When I disable automatic highlight, I see a prompt: R2+dpad-down Enable highlight

But when I press it nothing happens. And setting reset every time I switch location

Last bumped on Dec 17, 2024, 1:22:04 AM
+1 i can accept the fact that they may need time to allocate server disk space for item filter upload, but its simply unacceptable and unbelievable that theres not even key bind option for controller to toggle item highlight. end game is unplayable for us who are in this situation.
+1 i can accept the fact that they may need time to allocate server disk space for item filter upload, but its simply unacceptable and unbelievable that theres not even key bind option for controller to toggle item highlight. end game is unplayable for us who are in this situation.

Its not that critical to be honest, just a small issue.
I believe Consoles will get item filter of course, its just doesn't look like main priority right now

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