Xbox Series X 3 MAJOR playability and performance issues.
Xbox Series X player here farming (trying too) juiced t15, 16, 17 and 18s. Here are some MAJOR problems that must be solved in order for endgame to be enjoyable on console.
1. Loot filter, this is a must, it takes far more time reading through literally hundreds of white item drops than it does to actually clear the maps and this is to say nothing of Breach, Deli, or Ritual. Speaking of.... 2. I am at best getting 10 FPS during any of these map mechanics when juiced. It gets so bad that 6 times out of 10 my game just straight crashes or disconnects. This makes these mechanics nearly unplayable. And btw I'm playing Invoker Monk and only using Bell + Flurry so very little additional skill effects and NO mtx. What's worse is this is happening with THE LOWEST graphics settings possible. Bilinear Upscale, 1067 x 600 resolution (yes you read that right the game looks like absolute dog shit), only shadows, 25% Bloom (minimum possible), 60Hz refresh rate, Dynamic Culling, Dynamic Resolution. If you saw my game you'd think I was playing something from 2007 and still I barelt maintain 30 fps in normal map situations and single digits when action gets high. 3. 1 in every 3 maps I lose just to disconnecting upon entering and when I reload all the portals are gone. And in addition 1 of every 4 or 5 times I portal out of a map I disconnect as well (this isnt nearly as bad as I don't lose the portals in this instance, but still is annoying). It's to the point where I just throw in a random t1 map every couple so that only those are wasted. But it doesn't always work and I've lost well over 20 t15, 16, 17 and 18 maps due to this. These are just a few of some of the most pressing issues on console right now. Call me a masochist because I intend to keep smashing my head into the game in spite of all of this because I love PoE and GGG that much, but please remember your committment to making sure console players don't feel like second class citizens. Thank you for taking the time to read this wall of text. *TL;DR 3 major issues affecting console, loot filter, poor performance in end game and constant disconnects upong entering/leaving maps.* Last bumped on Dec 20, 2024, 12:22:03 PM
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