What is Proper Trade Etiquette?

New to trading, using the site to find an item but no one responds to any of my whispers.

A friend of mine taught me how to set up and use a trade stash spot and the site but like I said, I'm getting nothing from players, when when they list an item ("posted x seconds/minutes ago") so am I doing something wrong here?
Pure Summoner Witch Build inc
Last bumped on Dec 20, 2024, 2:31:36 PM
People aren't necessarily just waiting in their hideout for trade offers.
Even if they do that sometimes, they still play the game.
The people you're whispering are in a map, fighting a boss, halfway through a trial, and might not even notice they received a whisper.
Or they were whispered by 10 people and you weren't the one they clicked.
Or they were whispered by more people and went "hmm, I should sell this for more, I'm going to go raise the price now"

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