Yet another post about trials

I've made it through the 3rd trials without losing any honor until the last boss and been 1 shot 6 times now. Does anyone have tips? Am I alone in that this is aggressively not fun or rewarding? I wasted a 8 hours farming and doing these over and over again, the last boss is the only thing that has hit me and I don't die but the poison drains my honor in 1 hit
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 4:30:41 AM
I'm stuck at my third ascension too.

I just had similar exerience to yuours.
Got thru HOURS of those stupid rooms, just to ger murdered by initial traps on that third boss and him jumping around just taking my honor.

Do i have to do all 3 stages for third ascension ?
And i have to do them over again EVERY time last boss kills me?

Can i do third ascension in chaos tempe? for some reaosn my chaos coins never say im eligable for ascension and i Really hate trials of sekhema with a passion at this point.
I have runes, potions and total disregard of public safety.
This is why I quit for a while. I hate this game mode. It needs to be returned big time. Even when I beat it I hate it for wasting time and not being fun. It is not a challenge it is a chore.
pod11#5817 wrote:
I'm stuck at my third ascension too.

I just had similar exerience to yuours.
Got thru HOURS of those stupid rooms, just to ger murdered by initial traps on that third boss and him jumping around just taking my honor.

Do i have to do all 3 stages for third ascension ?
And i have to do them over again EVERY time last boss kills me?

Can i do third ascension in chaos tempe? for some reaosn my chaos coins never say im eligable for ascension and i Really hate trials of sekhema with a passion at this point.

yes you can get 3rd +4th ascendency points in trial of chaos you just need a lvl 75 key.

I obtained my ascendency point in sehkemas on my first char but on subequent chars I always do trial since it only takes ~10-15 mins to complete.

You will need 3 fragments from 10th room in trial to unlock last boss but he's extremely easy.

good luck

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