Top priority issues to be resolved.

Hey I think the games really fun but due to the reasons below I'm unfortunately going to stop playing for now.

1- Overall performance. Some frame drops when there's alot going on is understandable. The current state is so bad in specific spots, it completely ruins the game.

2- Sound Crackling. Doesn't matter what I'm doing or where I am. There's constant popping and audio issues. It's really bad on the passive skill tree.

3- Screen Size. From the research I've done it's not a huge percentage, but big enough to where a quick Google search will show there's quite a few people having this problem. What's worst is I hear that poe1, had the exact same issue and it was never resolved.

4- loot Filters.

I'll come back every month or so to check the games state. I do really enjoy the game but unfortunately the currently it's simply not fun.

Thanks for reading.

Last bumped on Dec 21, 2024, 3:47:15 PM
good feedback the 1st 3 points i can get beind soon as you hit T7+ mpas the prefromance of the game goes out the window

its a coin toss if you game is gonna run like ass

the Sound thing as well i thought i was going mental because i noticed it then the next map nothing lol thought my headset was on the blink so glad someone else noticed it

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