
hexblast issue
this skill have in video abut detonating 2 cursues at once if i can aplay 2 of corse, but it isn't working, still detonating only one, also echo support doesn't work with it

it is so annoing cuz it make my dmg 2x smaller, insted of detonating 2 curses its only 1
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 1:32:24 PM
Ezra68#3101 wrote:
hexblast issue
this skill have in video abut detonating 2 cursues at once if i can aplay 2 of corse, but it isn't working, still detonating only one, also echo support doesn't work with it

it is so annoing cuz it make my dmg 2x smaller, insted of detonating 2 curses its only 1

Hexblast only detonates one curse, can't detonate two on a single mob. You can further increase your dmg on mobs by withering them instead.

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