Infernalist Incinerate + Firestorm

I really like channeling builds since D3 (Disintegrate), but from PoE1, over Last Epoch to D4 - they either are not sustainable at endgame (because being stationary gets you killed pretty fast at end-endgame), or are just tedious because you have to relocate all the time, to move out of harms way or to engage ranged mobs. Finally, with WASD-movement, it dosent suck and seems viable (i prefer mouse movment, but for this build WASD is mandatory). And it looks just super cool ... or rather hot ... i guess.

During leveling i had some pacing problems at the end of act 2/(5) (dreadnought) and 3/(6) (past timeline). For the most time i only had +1 or +2 spell levels on gear, and didnt had found the right setup - now i have solved both.

So, if you are interested in a viable Incinerate build, or have some insight i dont have - here you go:

Best Feature: it is almost one-shot proof (didnt try pinniacle bosses yet)

Some points for discussion:

- Incinerate is a odd spell, it dosent "hit" (and yet Considered Casting works), it cant crit and casting speed only effects build-up time and not tick-rate (which is fixed i would assume)
- Incinerate is technically ignite/burning and you can socket Elemental Focus and it still does damage, but it dosent register ignite (for the purpose of Cast on Ignite or something like that) anymore
- Firestorm is very underwhelming, the only setup that does well is Concentrated Effect + Overabundance + Spell Echo ... but only if you "fix" the duration reduction via skill tree and/or Persistence and use Incinerate/Flameblast while it rains fire
- Firestorm is decent on large packs and large bosses, not so much on small ones
- compared to other skills/builds most fire spells seem very much undercooked, so in order to make this work i stack Solar Orb + Firestorm + Incinerate while spawnig Raging Spirits and repeat with Firestorm and Incinerate (to deal "good enough" damage)

Last edited by Alopex81#5818 on Dec 31, 2024, 6:13:39 AM
Last bumped on Jan 14, 2025, 7:22:39 PM
I made some significant changes to the build, finalized itemization and made sure it works to at least up to T16 maps.

To be clear: this is a "passion" build - it is not super strong (except on surviveability), mainly because fire spells are not strong to begin with.

This is my 4. character in endgame (Stormweaver/Warbringer/Invoker), and i actually prefer this build, because it just plays nice. It is slower and you have to fight the enemies (instead of insta deleting) - keep that in mind.
Last edited by Alopex81#5818 on Dec 31, 2024, 4:24:38 AM
any videos? just to see the overall idea o.o
Hi mate,

Im playing fire mage aswell since the release of EA and Im playing around Ember + detonate dead for packs and ember, firewall for boss. Im doing T12 right now and keep going.

Because Im playing SSF, your build is impossible for me (and for most players) cause of your 6L and the +2% max fire rez of your jewels.

Its pretty hard for me to see how this build could be fun, cause channeling skills are pretty bad and boring for me. But okay.

When looking at your skill tree, I would be honnest, it makes no sense for me :
- you are taking a lot of minion max life and some max rez but you are just playing with SRS and your pet. You could easily make a build around minions and detonate dead and it would be 500% more effective
- you are taking stormcharged (+40% dmg when doing a crit) but you are not taking any crit chance anywhere else. For information, fire skills have most of time, 7% chance to crit.

So your build is pretty incoherent and make no sense. And because we have no video, its pretty hard to believe in it !!!

Btw as a fire mage myself, I can easily say :
- fireball + wildshards is the dumbiest build with fire skill. Crazy dmg but pretty unplayable cause of lags and crashs.
- detonate dead is pretty strong (better with max minion life) and fireblast can be good (but would be expensive to make a build of)
- ember is okay
- firestorm and incinerate are awful and unplayable. except if you like 30min boss fight !!!

And firewall is good as a support spell.
Any updates? I've been going a similar place myself bu ended up cutting minions and firestorm for coi comet awhile back. (2 comets with swap to some key cold nodes for bossing, just fire and one coi seems like a fine payoff bur im constantly experimentin) I've got to assume you've moved on from firestorm. It's just too random and skilling into duration ain't it imo. I Def think you need 15% faster ignite dmg. I'm about to try repulsion lol. Lol 76 atm, gear is pretty mid, haven't switched to atziris yet but have one with a fat margin) I've fallen behind w just 2 ascendancy but once I upgrade my wand and get scepter I should be popping. Currently trying shields. Oaksworn and cdr one for blink. I've got more magnitude and focus on incineration ground to immediately apply max fire exposure then hit with orb flame blast back to incinerate while boss is frozen). If you've moved on, got any old gear you'd pass along? Sooo many skill sockets needed just to get by lvling mostly ssf lol. Got a lucky vaal on incinerate early and maxed quality bc my build is more of a melting theme if that makes sense. One thing I've gotten a lot of is having incinerate cone be just a Lil shorter than curse aura and persistence might actually be nice. Does skill duration affect burning ground time? Sorry for ramble. On phone at work
One more thing - I'm totally with you. The char fantasy and game play are fun as he'll. It's a pure build like the devs envisioned when making the game
I'll Def switch back and try flame spirits again since I've got a nice spirit malice scepter. Might be a way to work in some crit.

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