Proposal for a new vendor NPC

I am very unhappy about the current trading system, but also understand that a trading house is not an option now.

My suggestion is to introduce an NPC that could be invited to the hideout after the campaign. This could work both in PoE I and II.

The vendor would have very limited storage space, e.g. 6x6 grid or something.

Here the player could place items for sale and price them as one would in a normal premium stash tab.

On the trade site these items would show as normal, but with an added icon that indicates that this item is available for direct purchase via a vendor. Clicking this would summon this vendor to your hideout, or have the vendor send an invite back to his shop. (a secluded space in a hideout).

Interacting with this vendor would then be just like any other vendor NPC in the towns. You click and you buy what you want.

The vendor takes an appropriate fee in gold.

So several mechanisms would discourage bots:

1. The very limited space.
This would not make it wort while for power sellers or bots.

2. The need for gold to sell items
This makes it so one has to play the game to trade. Same as for the currency exchange.

3. Having to play through the campaign to get the vendor. This would prevent the making of several new accounts for purely trading purposes.

This way players could sell some items while off line, and it would not interfere with the trading system as it functions today. This would just be an addition for players like me who hates interrupting a session to make a trade, and would like also to be able to sell some items without being logged on.

The vendor could be given automatically at a certain point, a reward for a quest line, or even a sort of purchased "stash tab" from thew shop. I would certainly buy one if available.
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2024, 3:00:48 AM

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