0.1.1 Demonform Infernalist - Bonestorm/BoneCage/DD - bossing and speedfarming - Arbiter +4 EASY

Pinnacle Bossing showcase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLyWXa7-aoA

Map Bossing video showcase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcNt03MaWL0

T18 Boss done - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoT8YLQUWO0

Maxroll - https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/dj80v05a


- huge single-target damage and stun buildup
- high mobility and speed with Demon dash
- off-meta build means gear is cheaper
- comfortable high density clear with DD
- low requirement for gem links
- no need to find weapon and off-hand
- no need for fourth Ascandancy point
- ~6-10k Energy shield pool
- flexible skill choices: if you don't like Bonestorm/DD, you can just equip other gems, as your gear and passives scale all types of damage

- requires a bit of Demonform managing; damage takes time to ramp up (but DD clears mobs even with low stacks) and you will have to start over at when the stacks get too high
- DD needs corpses to clear mobs, Bonestorm alone is not reliable to kill everything in one cast
- Not many layers of defense to raise our EHP, Hellhound dies fast and takes long to revive, Altered Flesh only benefits from Phys to Chaos conversion
- Less Life Recovery map mode significantly limits our max Demonflame stacks
- Tiny life pool means that any damage that bypasses ES is quite dangerous (but our high Life regen easily counteracts Poison)

Demonform mechanics

Demonform gives us 18% increased damage per stack but also makes us lose 0.5% Max Health per stack. To proolong our Demonform we reduce our maximum health with unique items while stacking flat liferegen stat. As the result, you can comfortably reach 200 Demonflame stacks (3600% increased damage), or even up to 300 stacks if you minmax around this mechanic.

For example, I currently have 300 HP/sec regen, and my Demonform stack degens 1.4 HP/sec. 300/1.4 = 215 stacks until degen overcomes regen and I start losing more and more life.



Body - Ghostwrithe, at higher budget corrupted to get up to 61% life converted to ES

Rings - Ming's Heart x2 with Life Modifiers quality, high Chaos damage is very welcome. The Extra Chaos damage is actually quite a significant part of overall damage this build does. At higher budget get it corrupted to 27% max life reduction. Ming's Hearts seem to add their life multiplier instead of applying it separately, so the life reduction is much stronger then it would first seem - exactly what we need for Demonform.

These unique items all reduce or Max HP to enable Demonflame stacking - without them the build won't work well


all Rares (except gloves) must have a high tier flat Life Regen modifier for this build to work properly!!! They also need to have as little Max Life and Strength. Ideally you would have not max life on your gear at all, but such items could be very expensive, so having just 10-20 max life per piece is acceptable. Even 40 max life could be acceptable if there's a lot of other good stats.

modifiers are listed in order of importance

Amulet - 31+ life regen/second (MUST HAVE), +3 to all (Spell/Physical/Projectile) levels (big damage boost), elemental resistances, max ES, crit chance, increased cast speed (some dps/qol improvement), mana regen, max mana - Annointed with Resilient Soul (or Goring if you are rich)

Helmet and Boots - 19+ life regen/second (MUST HAVE), elemental resistances, Movement speed, high ES, mana

Belt - 25+ life regen/second (MUST HAVE), elemental resistances, mana

Gloves - elemental resistances, high ES, mana

Gloves are later replaced for Maligaro's Virtuosity
- but this would lose you 500-1k ES and a lot of resistances that will have to be compensated through corrupted jewels

Jewels - all jewels are Rubies with Increased Life Regeneration. Other useful stats to look for are Stun Buildup, and Area of Effect. But more likely at higher budget you would want corrupted jewels with elemental resistances. Optionally, you can get some Saphires with max ES, ES recharge and faster start if you feel like you need it.

For a higher budget, you can get From Nothing near Unwavering Stance or Bulwark - this will save a ton of passive points that you can use to get more Crit or ES or Mana regen - whichever you need. But since Diamonds are limited to one, you'd eventually want to upgrade to a +3 Bonestorm Prism of Belief

Socket 5% all res cores in all your equipment

Charm - Thawing charm

Ascendancy Tree

1. Demon Form obviously
2. Loyal Hellhound - it will be squishy and mostly dead, but still some damage reductions is better than nothing
3. Altered Flesh - just some Phys damage reduction
4. Beidat's Will - will yield ~10 Spirit OR 2 small nodes for mana and crit

Grinning Immolation could be used in the future if there will be some way to deal with self ignite (the damage of ignite is tiny, but it delays the start of ES recharge, which is quite bad for bossing)

Pyromantic Pact - can enable some powerful cast on crit setups, but we'd need to somehow become fire immune or at least significantly mitigate the self-inflicted fire damage, or somehow restore more ES than we're losing to paying mana costs

Passive Tree

current tree is here - https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/4a2770f6

This version doesn't have the maximum possible life regen but gets more ES nodes for survivability and Crit nodes for multiplicative damage

You can unspec some ES/Crit/Mana nodes and path towards Made to Last and pick small Life Regen nodes - with the extra Jewel socket it would give you around 30 additional seconds and max stacks of Demonflame. Similarly, you can pickup more Jewel sockets for more Life regen rubies if you want to minmax Demonflame stacks.


Demonform - Second Wind


Bonestorm mechanics

Bonestorm is a channel spell that releases up to 20 projectiles. The tooltip DPS actually shows the stats for one projectile. The actual damage is a lot higher because a boss gets hit but a lot more, depending on their size. Large bosses get hit by all 20 projectiles, while small size bosses get hit by less than 10 - this means you shouldn't fully charge your Bonestorm against them.

The projectiles leave a debuff that can be detonated by Attacks and deal roughly the same damage again. But we never Attack, so we can't proc that. Minions can proc the debuff, however this deals virtually no damage, probably because the game uses their stats to calculate the damage.

The explosions can also be procced by consuming a Power Charge. However, this mechanic does not result in shotgunning of bosses - the boss seem to only take the damage from one explosion, otherwise consuming Power Charge would theoretically double our damage against bosses.

Bonestorm gets a lot of dps from cast speed - theoretically. On practice I feel like that's not the case, and even just the cast speed we get from Demonform is enough. This is probably because the windup and release animations are not affected by cast speed.

Two small nodes that make our phys spells break enemy armor are more than enough to Fully Break any Bosss in one or two casts - no Support Gem for Armor Break is needed

Bonus finding - Bonestorm animation cancel

If you immadiately press Dodge Roll after releasing Bonestorm you will dash without any delay, which can be quite useful for bossing

Power Charge setups (not recommended)

Even with Pierce and Fork a single cast of Bonestorm won't kill all the mobs, but proccing explosions will help you kill more mobs per cast. To do so we need Power Charges and there are 2 options

1. Option one - Lingering Illusion

This Spirit gem makes us create Illusion when we dash, and if Illusion gets hit we get Power CHarge. On practice it means that when you dash around the map you will be sometimes generating Power Charges and use them to explode packs. This is not very reliable, but also doesn't require much investment.

2. Option two - Resonance

This requires investing 8 points in the passive tree to pick up Resonance, use Combat Frenzy Buff and Pin Support on Bonestorm to generate Power Charges with every cast of Bomestorm

Bonestorm Supports

Scattershot - on tooltip its a DPS loss, but it adds 2 projectiles per channeling stage, so actually it's equivalent to a huge cast speed gain.

Considered Casting
- 40% More Damage and its downside is countered by Scattershot

These 2 Supports are solid in my book, the rest gems below require more testing

Arcane Tempo
- speeds-up channeling if you feel like it's too slow, but you can also find increased cast speed on tree or amulet to free up this slot

Physical Mastery
- easy damage increase

Extraction - same effect as Ming's Ring, but a bit smaller.

Overpower - with this and some Stun Buildup from tree or jewels you can Heavy Stun bosses in just one or two casts of Bonestorm and then just safely damage them

Fork - can be used for mapping

Pierce - can be used for mapping

Maginified Effect - can improve map clear if you have a Power Charge setup

Pin - this is used in Power Charge setup with Resonance
Arcane Surge - a bit of cast speed and mana regen. But you can also get Arcane Surge at the cost of 4 passive tree points.

Inevitable Critical - can be good if it's applied to all projectiles

Supercritical - if you're not using Maligaro's, this could work well with Crit Chance nodes

Experimental supports

Heft - doesn't change the tooltip damage and seems to not be actually working

Lifetap - our life regen can sustain it until you are close to your personal Demonflame limit. This can create some interesting setups with things like Cast on crit.

Wildshards - the chance is too low to be reliable and against bosses you would hit only with a few projectiles.

Detonate Dead - Spell Cascade- Spell Echo - Maginified Effect

Detonate Dead deals insanely high damage even if you have almost no Demonflame stacks, and with supports it covers huge areas. But it requires a Corspe to start blasting, which is not always available. Make sure to use a Level 7 Detonate Dead to reduce mana costs.

Bone Cage - Arcane Surge - Ambush - Physical Mastery -

at high stacks or even at low stacks and with Maligaro's, this skill will quickly kill a few mobs to jumpstart Detonate Dead. This is what I'm currently using together with DD for map clear

other map clear alternatives

without changing anything in your tree or gear you can experiment with Blasphemy + Hexblast, Spark, ED Contag. Fireball etc.

Persistent Buffs

Arctic Armour - Glaciation (if you want to freeze) or Elemental focus (if you want to kill and leave a corpse for DD)

This kills or freezes mobs that dare to attack us in melee

Grim Feast - Clarity

Every ES build uses this for maps

Lingering Illussion or Combat Frenzy - covered in Power Charge section of the Bonestorm paragraph

Cast on Crit - Comet - only for bosses

Since we don't need other Buffs for bossing, we could use our Spirit for Cast on Crit + Comet, but this would be very taxing on our mana, so it's better to equip Lifetap on Bonestorm for this version. Good damage supports are Concentrated Effect, Spell Echo, Unleash, Spell Cascade.

Cast on Crit can also be used in other ways, like casting Curses, Essence Drain, some Lightning spells to apply shock and so on.

Leveling and early mapping

I recommend leveling and early mapping as a minion build; right now it's very strong and respeccing costs almost nothing. Switch to this build once you have Ghostwrithe, Ming's x2, rare helmet, amulet, belt and boots with max tier health regen affix and jewels with increased life regen.

If you are leveling a new character, do not kill Candlemass, especially in Cruel - this gets you permanent maximum Life, which is a negative stat for this build

In Act 2 Valley of the Titans choose increased mana recovery from flasks

In Act 3 during Venom Vial quest choose increased mana regeneration

In Act 3 Cruel during Venom Vial quest choose Chaos resistance

example low budget setup - https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/ec1kwo01

rarity find version

You can easily sacrifice ES or elemental resists on rare gear for increased rarity of items found, then replace one Ming's for a rare ring with rarity find and resists. I'm currently doing maps with this setups, I traded off a bit of my max Demonflame limit and 1.5k of ES for 140% rarity find. Still destroying map bosses easily.

max damage setup for pinnacle bossing


Unspec Energy Shield recharge nodes, some Max ES nodes. Then either get more mana regen nodes (especially Aspiring Genius), or Pyro Pact + Recoup + some max Fire res jewels (test in your hideout how much infernal flame you can spend with your EHP). Other good nodes are Psychic Fragmentation, Vulgar Methods, Stun buildup, etc.

Equip Mana Tempest with Premeditation

Equip Eye of Winter with Withering Touch, Persistence, Deceleration. This applies max stacks of Withered + 10% crit vulnerability.

Spec Beidat's Will. With 20% quality on CoC and 110 Spirit you should have 20 Spirit for a Skeletal Cleric.

Equip Soul Offering with Ablation, Font of Mana, Font of Life

To correctly prebuff yourself, you need to know how much time you have before the fight starts, so watch study some boss kill videos.

Roughly 3 seconds before the fight starts, cast Despair - it will leave Cursed Ground, then cast Mana Tempest, then Soul Offering and finally right before boss becomes targetable, cast Eye of Winter. Immediately drink Mana Flask and Cast Bonestorm (don't fully charge it, pinnacle bosses are not large enough to be hit by 20 projectiles), then Bonestorm again and again until boss is dead. Drink Mana Flask after every cast, because CoC Comet will drain all your mana

More Skill setups for mapping

Bone Cage Plague - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnF4acUCuQk

Bone Cage - Inspiration - Spell Cascade - Envenom - Bursting Plague

Herald of Plague

No changes on tree/gear

Spark Archmage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIPx5ToAA3Q

Spark - Pierce - Controlled Destruction - Considered Casting - Arcane Surge

Archmage - (Clarity if you have extra Spirit)

passive tree - https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/5k4aw09y

Last edited by desu#2172 on Jan 19, 2025, 5:03:29 PM
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 5:16:12 AM
Nice to see Demonform builds with true endgame capability.
hello. Can you make some kind of "leveling section"?
Ebengrad#0275 wrote:
hello. Can you make some kind of "leveling section"?

I recommend leveling as Fire minion build, it's just very strong atm and I haven't tried leveling as Demonform.. Respeccing is so cheap right now anyway.

In the future I'll try to make a leveling version, if it's possible.

Added some important information about the permanent campaign stat bonuses
Last edited by desu#2172 on Dec 31, 2024, 4:02:35 AM
Pretty much anything can be used, but have you found any other skills that work well with the Demon Form playstyle apart from the Bonestorm/DD combo? I understand that you use Bonestorm only on bosses.

What about Carnage Heart, is there any point to add it when you have higher budget gear?

Last edited by Devilator#4354 on Dec 31, 2024, 5:54:24 AM
Pretty much anything can be used, but have you found any other skills that work well with the Demon Form playstyle apart from the Bonestorm/DD combo? I understand that you use Bonestorm only on bosses.

What about Carnage Heart, is there any point to add it when you have higher budget gear?

I wouldn't completely write off Bonestorm as mapping skill. I currently test Power Charges + Snakepit + Chain support, and it feels fun to clear mobs even offscreen in one cast, but I'm not sure whether it's faster or slower than Bone Cage + DD

I'm currently using Bone Cage to kill the first mobs before doing DD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZuqXBGAuN0. It's also possible to just tap Bonestorm to cast only one stage - 3 projectiles are enough to kill even a rare mobs, but despite tooltip saying that it's 0.5 sec cast, it feels slower than 0.7 sec of Bone Cage or other spells.

I like the utility of Bone Cage - it leaves spikes that kill more mobs that touch them, and it pins anything that it doesn't kill. Also high base crit works well with my tree optimized for crit chance + Ambush support.

I tried Hexblast and it's only good for killing first mobs to make corpses for DD, otherwise it lacks AoE and damage on low Demonflame.

Spark just has such a tiny damage at low Demonflae, even with damage supports

Fireball feels even worse

Corpsewade could be interesting, but right now it doesn't work with Demonform, idk if it's inteded or not

Carnage Heart is not worth it, because +3 skills is like 50% more damage, and it can even result in less stacks than rare amulet, because flat life regen gets scaled very hard in this build

At high budget it's better to focus on 27% life reduced Ming's, because it gets added with another Ming's, rather then counting as separate multipliers. And 61% Ghostwrithe. With those 3 items you'd have closee to 200 Health, if you didn't take +8% during campaign. That would be easily 300 stacks until degen overcomes regen, and while still having lots of crit and ES.
Last edited by desu#2172 on Dec 31, 2024, 7:49:30 AM
Hey, thanks for the reply and all the feedback on the skills and gear. I am sure Bonestorm is very effective, looks like it in the videos too, I just don't like the channeling. I use DD in my current minion build and of course it works very well but again I am not a big fan of the skill (never played a DD meta in PoE 1, despite Desecrate).

Bone Cage looks interesting, I haven't tried it in the game. When I try this build, I will make sure to try out all kinds of skills.
Just came to say thank you for writing this whole guide!

Will start this journey today after buying all the gears for it.
Leveling as fire minion infernalist seems easy, just gonna take hellhounds first then
I added a new pinnacle bossing showcase, Arbiter +4 was killed in 2 casts of Bonestorm. Also added a new section with detailed pre-buff setups for shredding pinnacle bosses.

Hey, thanks for the reply and all the feedback on the skills and gear. I am sure Bonestorm is very effective, looks like it in the videos too, I just don't like the channeling. I use DD in my current minion build and of course it works very well but again I am not a big fan of the skill (never played a DD meta in PoE 1, despite Desecrate).

Bone Cage looks interesting, I haven't tried it in the game. When I try this build, I will make sure to try out all kinds of skills.

If you feel like Bonestorm takes too long to channel in maps, try speccing nodes that give a chance to spawn more projectiles. They are applied per stage, so the end result is that it speeds up projectile build-up by a lot. Here's how it can look - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MUkDHy2siA

Hexblast is likely the next best thing after DD, it has decent AoE and damage. Otherwise something like Cast on Freeze with Frost Nova and some strong spell could be worth exploring.
addded two new setups for mapping - Plague Cage and Spark Archmage

Bone Cage Plague - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnF4acUCuQk

Bone Cage - Inspiration - Spell Cascade - Envenom - Bursting Plague

Herald of Plague

No changes on tree/gear

Spark Archmage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIPx5ToAA3Q

Spark - Pierce - Controlled Destruction - Considered Casting - Arcane Surge

Archmage - (Clarity if you have extra Spirit)

passive tree - https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/5k4aw09y

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