Shin's Blueflame ICE EXPLOSION Titan
![]() Overview: Do you want to shatter the screen in to chunks of icy death? Well this builds for you! This build utilises 3 Unique items you can acquire as early as act 2. Using these uniques we are able to turn our fiery attacks in to devastating ice shattering attacks that clear the screen while also being tanky enough to do so. Playstyle:
Play style is split in to Pack killing and Boss killing.
Pack: We jump in with leap slam that procs a chill and stun leading towards packs exploding. If the pack does not die in the first leap, the extra damage that stunned enemies get will make sure they die in the second leap. The explosions chain 90% of the time as long as at least one enemy dies and explodes. This leads to screen wide clears. Bossing: For bossing we go in and pop Hyperthermia then leap slam until a stun is proc'd which will be in 2-4 leaps, then we pop infernal cry, Hammer of the gods and hit 2-3 perfect strikes all before the stun ends. This leads to very large chunks of health damage each rotation. There is also a high chance the boss will be frozen leading to more window of damage output. Video: Gear:
This build takes advantage of 3 low level unique items with the primary goal of turning our attacks in to shattering ice.
Polcirkeln To do this, we use the "Polcirkeln" as our main source of shattering proc and clear. This unique will set you back a bit in the current market (1div at time of writing) so it is recommended this build be used on a second character if leveling from a fresh warrior. Now the way Polcirkeln works is quite satisfying, you see we use it in conjunction with Herald of Ice to chain icy explosions even without having to freeze anything at all. Once this combo is online, clearing through the champaign is an icy breeze! Blueflame Bracers Next is our single target unique and what makes getting our endgame weapon quite easy. The "Blueflame Bracers" allow us to convert 100% of fire damage we do in to cold. This pairs extremely well with Perfect Strike which converts 80% physical on a perfect hit in to fire damage which of course is then converted in to cold, allowing us to deal large amounts of single target damage when we need. Cheap to buy is a bonus. Cloak of Flame The last unique we use is "Cloak of Flame" robes. These may look terrible, but in the time of terrible armour damage reduction, it is a godsend. How you may wonder? Well it allows us to take 40% of all physical as fire damage which we then reduce further by our 80%+ fire resistance. That means only 60% of physical damage will go on to the armour layer. It may not sound like a big deal, but in practice, it makes us more tanky then any pure armour character. Also very cheap. Now for the weapon You will want to focus on two handed mace with "Increased elemental damage with attacks, high physical damage and either added fire or cold damage(or both). This will increase our main dps and allow the physical conversion of perfect strike to scale well. Armour: Armour should be flat armour as we will mainly be stacking strength. However we will need 55 Int and 25 Dex Minimum for our gems, so make sure we can meet that. Skills:
On to the skills and the reason why the builds so enjoyable! Ill be listing the skills in order of importance and in order of what supports you should acquire first. Please note, at the end of this section will be a brief recommended leveling setup.
Leapslam: Cold infusion>Overpower>Ice Bite>Momentum Leapslam is our main ability, the clearing and stun proc ability that the entire build is based around. We leap in to a pack, the pack explodes and we leap to the next. Its not as fast as PoE1 unfortunately, but in terms of poe2 mace clear speed, it is quite quick. How it works, We acquire leapslam at lvl22 and link it with Cold Infusion right away! This will allow us to chill any enemy we attack thus linking to our Polcirkeln and Herald of ice to create a chain explosion of ice that will clear very quickly. Ice bite allows us to gain more damage if we manage to freeze an enemy and Momentum is bonus damage as we will be leaping from pack to pack. Lastly is Overpowered. This support is actually the most important part as we are also specialise heavily in to stun and increased damage against stunned. This helps us in boss fights allowing us windows to deal massive damage with perfect strike. Now let me walk you through the impact. We leap in, we apply a chill on all enemies in the area of effect of the slam, the slam also applies a heavy stun on almost all basic enemies, this stun then procs further damage increases from our passive tree. If only a single enemy dies, it will proc a shatter which thanks to herald of ice, procs a ice explosion. This ice explosion then hits all targets in the area with 100% of the explosion damage + extra damage from our passives, then they all explode, all doing the same as above. You can see how this can be very effective at clearing. Herald of Ice: Clarity>Cannibalism This is the Second most important gem we use and the reason we can create explosions in the first place. This procs an explosion every time we shatter an enemy, which is allot. We only need the lowest level of this gem so as to keep out int and dex low. We link this with clarity and then cannibalism as we acquire more spirit. These two supports are to help sustain both our mana and life. Perfect Strike: Window of Opportunity>Martial Tempo>Cold Pen>Heft Perfect strike is our single target boss melter (or freezer i guess) this ability paired with our uniques, will turn 80% of our attack in to cold damage, this stacks both stun and freeze. With the only real down side being a quicktime event of sorts. You see perfect strike has to be activated then released at the "perfect" time to allow it to deal its maximum damage. It takes a bit of practice, but once mastered, it is hard to beat. We pair Perfect strike with supports that increase this damage output, so Window of Opportunity increases the perfect hit damage, Cold Pen makes it so that 80% cold is hitting harder and the Heft allow the skill to do more physical damage which converts to cold. We slap on Martial tempo to allow us to get 2-3 hits in per stun. Hyperthermia: Heightened curse>Cursed Ground Now we have out core setup, its time to add more ability to increase that core damage. For this, we grab Hyperthermia and link it with Heightened Curse to increase the curse effect without having to use a higher level gem (we use the lowest level curse). Cursed Ground is personal preference, but its definitely my preference. Infernal Cry: Premeditation>Raging Cry Infernal Cry is the damage boosting ability we pop right after we stun a boss. It adds 25-100% fire damage to next attack. Which then turns in to cold. The supports we add (Premeditation>Raging Cry) add a bit more damage to that. Overwhelming Presence: No links This is the last spirit spender. It decreases the stun and ele ailment resistance of any enemy in an area around us. This is pretty big as its just straight up makes what we do just that much better. Hammer of the Gods: Fist of Wear>Fast Forward>Heavy Swing This skill is not needed for the build, but god is it fun! We link it with support skills to allow it to drop faster and do a little bit more damage. Thats it. Leveling! I'm not going to sugar coat it. Leveling to 22 was a nightmare. Even with uniques to help me. Id suggest running Rolling slam linked with cold infusion to prime a enemy for stun (read the tool tip on boneshatter about priming stuns) and then boneshatter to follow up the primed. This will require combo play and will get you use to stun gameplay. Throw a Earthquake down with fist of war support when you can. Think of it as a semi-trap. Passive Tree:
Here i will explain the passive tree in 4 sections. As we use Mobalytics tree i can color code it. Please note this section assumes you have all the skill books acquired in their respective acts and will take you to level 75 at which point the later levels will be in your hands (just get more damage lol). Main - Level 1-24 Pink - Level 24+ Green - Endgame Ascendency Main - Level 1-24 Here we cover the early levels and why we choose what we do. Firstly we want to take the top path through the stun nodes to BRUTAL and then continue on to SMASH. These will give us and early boost to stun build up which wil be very helpful as we take on act 1. Next we move down to the twohanded cluster. Here we grab SINGULUR PURPOSE and the SHOCKWAVE. The first boosting our damage output by a very large amount and the second increasing the radius of our slams. From here we need to make sure we don't miss and as we wont be worrying about critical, we path straight for RESOLUTE TECHNIQUE which guarantees our attacks will never miss. From there we grab BREAKING BLOWS for more stun build up. By this point you should have leapslam online and starting to feel very good about your clear and new found survival with cloak of flame also coming online around now. Level 24+ Pink This area we focus on improving what we have. So firstly, we go back to the warrior start and grab REVERBERATING IMPACT to increase the area of our leapslam. Then return to the melee arm we didn't finish and grab HONOURLESS (south of Resolute technique). This passive is pretty big for us as any heavy stunned enemy is classed as immobile. Next, we continue up the path north from Resolute Technique and grab SHATTERING BLOW to increase our outgoing damage after we deal heavy stun, then grab FLIP THE SCRIPT which recovers 20% of our life on heavy stun (this thing saves you so often and feels so good when it happens). From here we Continue our journey north and grab IMPACT AREA and IMPACT FORCE making sure we take the lower nodes to increase our area of effect. You will notice more clear effect as our slam grows. Now we head north allot more til we can grab the Physical arm. This is one of the few places we can increase Physical by itself. So grab BATTLE FEVER. Next we want to grab the elemental nodes from the large elemental circle to the right of the physical arm, making sure to enter from the left as we will be going more north. Grab SIGIL OF ICE and SIGIL OF FIRE(perfect strike always ignites so this will buff us often) first as these will give us the largest increase in hit damage sooner. Then grab COLD NATURE to finish up in the circle. For more stun time, we grab the small stun circle just above the elemental circle. This contains HULKING STRIKE. Lastly we increase the power of out chill by completing the Chill circle with PERPETUAL FREEZE! Green - Endgame The builds now hitting a good position and we have a few more levels to pad out the damage and survival aspects. So we now focus on the outer ring and go north once more. So take our south most path to to SKULL CRUSHER which will give a very nice 20% increased damage to stunned mobs. From here grab the small stun cluster with TITANIC inside. Make sure to take the north route as we want more stun buildup over stun threshold. Now for some survival. With our cloak of flames, we are taking allot of fire damage, so we should now mitigate more of that. Head to PRISM GUARD via the fire resist nodes. This will give us +3% to our max fire resists. Its time to jewel up. Grab the jewel socket just north of the elemental resist circle to make a total of 4 empty sockets. We want to now buy 2-4 +1-2% max fire resist jewels off the market. We are aiming for 80+ fire resists. Once we have that, lets grab the final nodes up in the Melee damage just north of the jewel socket. We want to grab IN YOUR FACE which will get us 70% more damage when we are close, which we always are. Ascendency 1st: CRUSHING IMPACT 2nd: SUPRISING STRENGTH 3rd: EARTH BREAKER 4th: Respec and remove Earth breaker. Grab COLOSSAL CAPACITY and HULKING FORM. The 4th ascendency will be MASSIVE for our build. "Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014 "The 5x Diamond Supporter" Last edited by XvXReaperXvX#7217 on Jan 9, 2025, 4:32:39 AM Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 4:32:50 AM
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"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
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