Dual-wielding interaction with Hammer of the Gods

This might be a noob question, but I'm a bit confused. I'm planning to swap to my weapon set 2 for better Hammer damage on bosses, using dual-wielded weapons with +6 melee skill mods on both. When I equip two weapons, the Hammer DPS stats show two separate damage numbers: "main hand damage" and "off hand damage." Does this skill even use those weapons separately for hits? With a 24-second cooldown, how does that even work? Or does it only use the main hand for casting?
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 5:27:55 AM
Uses both weapons.
I also see that HIT damage is shown only once, but there are two bleeding damages for each hand. Do these stack up, or should I add them and divide by two?

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