[POE2][BUG] Rolled out of the boss fight, now I'm locked out of the boss area

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHmk2aFRzFY

TLDR: I've rolled out of the boss fight before it started and now I'm unable to enter the boss area.

Steps I took to make this bug happen. Since it wasn't intentional, I don't know if all of the steps are necessary.
1 - Die for the Praetor Draven
2 - As soon as you revive, take one step towards the boss arena then roll out of the Arena.

I've tried the following:
1- Using a checkpoint teleportation
2- Leaving the map and returning
3- Leaving the game for the character selection, menu and desktop while on the boss map
4- Leaving the game for the character selection, menu and desktop while on the cemetery map

Nothing worked so far.
Last bumped on Feb 6, 2025, 11:24:28 PM
same thing just happened to me in a map.
was running around, realized i accidently entered boss room. Rolled backward so i could change my supports for the fight and now there's an invisible wall and nothing to click on to enter.
Same issue. Did either of you resolve this?
Just happened to me today. I sit outside a phalanx of soldiers watching Viper bounce around trying to kill me. I can't be hurt, cannot hurt back, and as a boss fight, it brings me back to the same point when I reload. (Maybe there's an answer someone can suggest on the last point.)
Heres what I did. I don't know if you have to do exactly what I did but give it a try!

1) Logged out and changed servers (still didn't work)
2) on the new server I hit esc and THEN i clicked on restart at last check point. I guess this reset the room without resetting all the monsters
3) I was able to fight.

I hope this helps yall. I was pissed that this happened to me!!!
Just happened to me in a map, really frustrating losing a juiced up map to this. Please fix GGG!!
very similar issue just now in dtesming springs map.
Fighting boss, rolled out of the bone cage near the entrance, killed the boss, but arena portal still in place so stuck in the arena.
Bug ref: 2,397,367,204.

:uckily exit to character select on reselecting character returned me to hide out, and as i hadn't porta;ed out was able to re-enter the map at the start location.
Just happened to me where I paused before a boss room to change gear / spirit skills and the boss event started. I now cannot enter the boss room or fight and there is no option to click "enter arena".

Sucks on a juiced map...
Welcome to budget gaming at its finest,

pathetic by GGG

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