Are there any Stormweaver builds using Choir of the Storm amulet?
I am almost level 78 on my Stormweaver Sorceress and I was really eager to try out the Choir of the Storm unique amulet but can’t really find any builds that make use of it (aside from the bonkers one using the Temporalis chest piece to create a near infinite proc loop).
In A-RPGs I typically play the caster archetype and my preferred playstyle usually involves a spammable spell that triggers another even more powerful spell. Naturally, I gravitated towards the Cast on X mechanic in PoE 2 and my initial plan was to use an Arc > Cast on Shock > Lighting Conduit setup but after they completed neutered the energy generation I went looking for alternatives and the Choir of the Storm is really the only thing I could find which works in a similar way. I see two big hurdles to making a build like that work: (1) scaling the damage of Lightning Bolt without access to things like Temporalis; and (2) the fact that it competes with Everlasting Gaze which is all but mandatory to help facilitate mana stacking for Archmage via Eldritch Battery. If anyone has ideas I would love to hear them! Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 8:43:47 AM
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I am currently working on a Stormweaver build using Choir of the Storm without Temporalis and the TLDR is that its a viable and fun build. Maybe not as powerful as pure spark or lightning warp build, but it can be built with low budget, scaleble with mana and can quickly clear maps.
Gems: - Lightning bolt: Spell Echo, Inspiration, Ingenuity, Considered Casting - Spark: Ambush, Pierce, Acceleration, Persistence - Eye of Winter: Chain, Fork, Unleash, Ricochet - Frost Wall: Glaciation, Icicle, Spell Cascade, Overcharge - Elemental Storm: Magnified Effect, Controlled Destruction, Electrocute, Neural Overload - Archmage: Lightning mastery Uniques: - Choir of the Storm - Maligro's Virtuosity - (I bought it for 40 ex, currently around 70-80, not strictly required, but doubles your damage) Gear focus: - Critical hit chance, Spell critical hit chance - Lightning skill levels - Lightning skill damage - Resistances Keystones: - Mind over matter - Eldrich battery - Chaos Inoculation Required nodes: - Shattered Crystal Recommended nodes: - Careful Assasin - Pure Power - Raw Mana - Arcane Intensity - Invocated Efficiency - Stormcharged - Leaping Ambush Skill tree focus: - %Max Mana - Critical hit change (crit bonus is irrelevant if you have Maligro's Virtuosity) - Intelligence - Mana Ascnedancy nodes - Constant Gale, Force of Will - Tempest caller, Rain Dancer So basically you want as high critical hit chance as possible. Lightning bolt will hit a lot and will trigger itself reliably. You want around 30-40% crit chance for spark and around 40-50% or lightning bolt. You fill the screen with sparks and if you encounter rares or uniques you cast a Frost wall and an Eye of Winter on them first. Eye of winter applies critical weakness which doubles the crit chance of lightning bolt. Also because of spell echo ligtning bolt will cast twice so even without critical weakness it will trigger itself with a 75% chance. You will clear maps even if you don't have crazy damage number for spark. Currently my sparks DPS is 12K and a single spark will do only 275-5302 damage but lighning bolt adds 15K damage to it when hit (which is also echoed and has a small area). Frost wall also has very high hit chance so it will trigger lightning bolts when you use it to trap a boss. Another important line in Choir of the Storm is 'critical hits ignore enemy monster lightning resistance'. This means as long as you scale crit chance you can forget ligtning penetration, conductivity and exposure. This is actually a huge help. Elemental Storm is not used for it's damage, but because you trigger it a lot, you always have at least one on the screen and with Electrocute and Neural Overload it paralyses enemies. As for survivability as long as you have 3-4K mana, you can manage it without ES, but it is recommended to keep discance and prefill the screen with sparks. If you desperately need ES you can use Ghostwrithe or Atziri's Disdain but you will need to add ES scaling in your tree at a cost of damage nodes. I think it is better to just scale up your mana. |
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Hey, this sounds really cool.
Any chance you could do this on a Monk Invoker? Is Archmage necessary, or could you throw in a Cast on Crit setup instead? |
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Guys, I think I finally made it :)
After countless hours of testing I was able to assemble a build that does not use archmage, very good in map clearing and has 7K energy shield, all with inexpensive items. Also the 0.1.1 patch buffed this build a lot. I am about to create a full build guide because I have not found any similar existing yet. (Maybe it exists and I just have not found it.) What you need: - Choir of the Storm - The Three Dragons - Whisper of the Brotherhood - Ghostwrithle (61% conversion corruption if possible) - Crit chance on wand, focus, jewel and in tree - ES scaling from tree Possible Upgrades (in order of importance) - Maligro's Virtuosity - Extra +skills on wand and focus - 30 extra spirit in addition to the base 100 (I have bought a The Three Dragons with 30 sprit corruption) - Melting Maelstrom Ultimate Mana Flask Main skill: - Eye of Winter with as much acceleration and projectiles as possible (acceleration, fork, chain, pierce (from tree), ricochet) Sprit usage: - Cast on Freeze - spark: fills the screen automatically as you cast eye of winter - Arctic armour - this has a sweet synergy with choir of the strom, more about this at the 'How the build works' section. - Clarity support on Arctic armour - Grim feast (if you have the 30 extra spirit) How the build works: - The goal is to send those eye of winter balls as far as possble with as many projectiles as possible. You are converting your cold damage to ligthing with Whisper of the Brotherhood and you make your lightning freeze with The Three Dragons. Therefore all your damage can freeze, and all your damage is ligthning which ignores enemy resistance when crit thanks to Choir of the Storm. - With this engine Cast on freeze triggers a lot which generates many sparks on the screen which triggers Choir of the Storm's lightning on hit which freezes and generates even more spark. (with the 0.1.1 patch spells triggered by meta-gems cannot generate energy any more, however if those spells triggers Choire of the Storm's lighthing that can still generate energy) - Arctic armour inherently has a high crit chance. You can make it to guaranteed crit on a meele attacker which immediatelly tiggers a Choir of the Storm's lightning which either kills the attacker or freezes it. Also if reaches 5 stage quickly but only looses a single stage per hit, so that it can kill up to 5 meele attacker. This saved my life many times. Oh, and this cost you zero mana as both Arctic armour's reteliation and the lighting is free. Looking forward to create the full build guide, stay tuned ;) |
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" Well now i know why Spark players were all so eager to buy my Everlasting Gaze for 2 Ex . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version |
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Last edited by wesinhuman#4716 on Jan 24, 2025, 3:34:07 AM
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Build video:
Maxroll: |
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" Well, map bosses are not an issue at all. What about citadels, arbiter? |
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hi, i'm currently looking for gun builds for stormweaver.
got a bit tired of cast on shock/lightning conduit (COSLC) combo. few days ago amulet dropped for me and the bolt proc seems really nice. triggers more often and helps clear the maps faster. i don't play around frostwall, just use crit chance with spark on mobs and winter eye on bosses. so my question is is this amulet better compared to COSLC proc ? bosses get 56% double shock debuff with 60% exposure. but i can't tell if boss dies quicker + it takes time to stack energy for COSLC while great lightning bolt hits boss like every 0.38s. avg daamge shown around 450k, wheres i can't tell how much avg damage COSLC does. so any ideas what's best to use? |