Waystones Disappear upon pickup.

Waystones above Tier 1 disappear from my inventory after pickup.
I thought it was just happening when I identified due to another post, but after “losing” 10+ Tier 2/3 waystones I noticed them just not being in my inventory immediately after picking them up.
I can buy higher tier waystones from Doryiani and put them in my stash but for some reason they disappear if I pick them up in a map.
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2025, 2:52:59 PM
Same happening to me
Same to me! it sucks. is it bug? even gonna quit this game coz cannot go further and do only tier 1 maps. how come

PS It was only Rare(yellow) Tire 2 waystoes. I havent found any others, cannot say anything for magic or normal waystones higher than tier 1
Last edited by saunders3711#7859 on Jan 14, 2025, 3:01:28 AM
ps am playing on PC
This has seemed to resolve itself with recent updates. Was finally able to pickup Tier 2 waystones and get them all the way into my stash.

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