Punishing for no apparent reason - bosses and citadels
Please justify the "Only one attempt" logic behind pinnacle bosses and citadels.
What incentive do I have to keep playing this game, if all my time and resources can perish in a single second? I finally managed to find Olroth (Expedition pinnacle boss), and had my omen of resurgence ready (which didnt work btw) got the boss down to 20% phase 1, and got hit by his lazer that resulted in me dying to freeze bs. Missed potential loot, lost two xp bars at lvl 92, and the most annoying thing : my map is gone. You do realize that the majority of the playerbase is gonna piss their pants and stay clear of pinnacle bosses, and rather pay some resources for a boost to secure the kill? I dont mind dying at all, as long as I can steadily do some progress. but this game isnt allowing me to do that, I have to examine guides and videos, spoiling myself of content before I even get to experience it, in order to have the best odds of not simply dying to a mechanic. Even with some knowledge beforehand, its not guaranteed success. What is so wrong with having multiple attempts, or even, infinite? there is no way of learning a fight genuinly. Most high end builds is built around finishing off a boss before you even have to deal with the mechanics in that fight, because nobody wants to deal with punishing bull```` I suppose. Second of all, the Citadels: can take a decade to find one, and when you finally do, you might end up dead and having to find it again. All whilst losing some of your precious XP of course. Why have checkpoints and endless attempts during the campaign? is it to trick dads with little time into thinking the game wasnt so hardcore after all, and then getting ejaculated all over in the endgame? if this dogdiarrhea punishment mechanic isnt removed/changed for the better, its gonna be rough keeping people that has a somewhat strict gametime Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 12:02:37 PM
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