Crashing on trying to enter new areas from either waypoint or check point transporter

I am regularly getting crashes when I use the waypoint or checkpoint transfer system. The most recent being trying to enter the black chambers in act 3 so far I have tried 3 times to go from the aggorat to the black chambers and so far I crash every time I enter the portal to transfer.
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 1:04:34 PM
Turn off multithread
Turning off multi-threading is not a solution as it massively hits your performance. There is a bug in loading new levels tied to Windows 11 2024H2 and multi-threaded CPUs. It has been reported all over Reddit and these forums. GGG needs to fix the bug in their game which is hard-locking windows. It's beyond ridiculous that they will not acknowledge and fix an issue that causes your machine to hard lock.

This should be priority #1. Anything hard locking windows is well beyond normal game crashes and issues with functionality in a new game.

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