Divine Orbs vanished from my stash

About 4 hours ago i had about 25 Divine Orbs in my Stash.
Now there are only 12?!
Didnt buy or exchange anything, i'm saving for a weapon.

But i sold 2 or 3 items for some Exalted Orbs though.
So im assuming somehow one of them got access to my stash.
And only took half of the Orbs because they felt bad or smth lol.
Could be a bug i guess but only Divine Orbs missing is suspicious.
Last bumped on Jan 31, 2025, 11:48:16 PM
I keep seeing these type of posts on reddit as well, and a few content creators also had the same.
This is very concerning, i hope GGG takes action asap.

They need to take this seriously.
I am worried as a new player for when I get decent stuff later ingame.
Here I am coming on here looking for anyone else with the same issue. I only have 8 divine orbs, and on 3 separate occasions after trading with someone 1 divine orb each time mysteriously disappeared from my stash. I'm salty as i'm a casual player and 1 divine orb is a lot as is.
I just reset my password but I checked all my security measures so doubtful I got hacked, I'm on xbox using a Microsoft account linked. Definitely odd, as I don't know why they wouldn't just clear out all my divines.
Either way your not alone, similar thing happened to me!
I just traded with someone and all the divines from my stash are gone. Almost positive I had 8 just a few mins ago and now I have zero. I took a screenshot of the guy, I couldn't copy paste and his name is all in chineses chars.

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