PLAYING AS TITAN - COLOSSAL CAPACITY - Once you have this ascendancy point, you have extra space...Great BUT you can not deposit anything into your stash from it so you have to either manually pick it up OR move it to your normal back pack space and then press Triangle to spam deposit making the "extra" space kinda pointless and abit more of a chore to manage rather than a "useful" Ascendancy point.
ALSO if you place your wisdom scrolls in the "Extra bag space" you can not Identify any items in your bag while the wisdom scrolls are in that space GEMS INFO AND NAVIGATION - when looking at the description of the gems while you are hovering over a gem if you go to scroll to the next gem rather than being able to scroll up and down to see the gems when in description mode, you can only scroll "down" i guess i dont know what direction its going because if you press up or down on the stick it still scrolls the gems in the same order its annoying to have nocked the stick and then have to keep scrolling until you come back around to the gem you are looking at IGNITE - there is no info on "chance to ignite" so you have to just guess? also info on ignite and its effects is kinda Meh. SANCTUM/ToS - on PS5 you are unable to look at what boons you have?? or if it is possible its not intuitive to find it infact i will 1000% say its defo not possible to see a list of boons while in sanctum or see the down sides you have as well while running it While on the subject ACSENDANCY TRIALS held behind Ultimatum and Sanctum is a massive L imo, its way way way too long dragged out for a Acsendancy point and IF you are unable to run them then what ??? just never get a ascendancy point??? lol ok then. THE SKELETON MONSTERS thats are summoned from the "skeleton leader monster" you first meet these in ACT 2 are so over tune not only are they over tuned in ACT2 but then seeing them in Sanctum lvl 4 and they slam for a rediculas amount of phy dam but you cant roll past them, there AOE is too OP and they "reconstruct" way way too fast while trying to figh/hit/kill the leader, in ACT 2 the leader also conjoures a Whirl wind as well....what was the thought process behind that gem? bad idea imo THE OVERALL FUNCTIONING AND PREFORMANCE of the game is nothing short of awful i dont know if because its christmas break but how is it that a game WHICH ISNT GETTING PATCHES (as far as im aware) atm is ok 1 min and then dog water preformance the next from day to day? THE MAP NAVIGATION TO FIND "CITIDELS OR POINTS OF INTREST" - i have done a fair few maps and not knowing if i am going in the right direction or if im just doing a lost cause direction is confusing it doesnt really seem if there is a "guided" way to roam the atlas map, Towers remove fog of war sure, but i have gone far and wide and only managed to find the "main citidel" and 1 iron "citidel" the RnG on them spawning is pretty bad, there are theories out there on how to make more spawn from doing a t15 map or look above a tower with corruption on it either way there should be a definite way to progress NO INFO ON ELEMENTAL THRESHOLD - I have 60% maybe more i think off the top of my head i dont know its a guessing game at this point because nothing notifies me of my chance to avoid/elemental threshold as of yet HOWEVER i have watched alot of PC players who seem to have that info on the character info part of the option where you see stats and life, mana, etc etc im not 100% if they have threshold info as well on that part but on Ps5 its missing for sure as shown in the video below UI - I personally love the fact you can pick different UI for PoE 2 i love the fact you can choose from a larger almost PC style of UI or a smaller compact version however the "more copact version needs abit of clearing up as you can see by the picture the "life and Mana" info over lap it just needs spacing out abit more ![]() CHARMS - although they seem useful there is no info on when they are active, how long they are lasting AND as you need to find a belt or take a skill point from the tree, they seem more of a choir than anything else. i think each slot should be a reward from completing a side quest for a re-occuring NPC you meet along the way maybe that Old women from Act 3 the one where you find her son's body in the forest could grant you your 1st slot, and then you meet her afew more times maybe slot 2 towards the end of the story/campaign and then once in maps this way EVERYONE gets 3 slots not just those how managed to get lucky on a belt or who took the skill point from the passive tree otherwise this is just another "slot" you have to sacrifice in order to gain things and lose out on valuable defences AFTER DEATH EFFECTS - some after death effect are shrouded by the "map enviroment" so you cant see them (grass maps and that underground fungus map are the worst offenders for this) but in Mire especially when you get those purple death effects on the floor they linger for like 20 seconds and sometimes its hard to see that really needs addressing or revising imo WAND AND FOCUS STATS - DO NOT work or add value to your characters stats as showing in the video below MAPS AND MAP SUBSTAIN - I have taken all the Map nodes from the Atlas Skill tree and i CAN NOT substain high tier maps (example im runing t13 with like 80% for maps to drop higher and im getting t3 and t5 maps dropping that shouldnt happen you should always get atleast 1 map of same tier or higher once you have taken all possible Atlas tree points for higher map chance to drop. PRIEST OF THE SUN (and the simular monster in maps) Their beam duration and length need reducing dramatically these monsters literally have a cheest beam like tony Stark i thought i was fighting Iron man at one point. TEMPLE OF KOPEC - if you die again the boss it teleports you back to the very beginning of the Area (Room 1) and although there is check points you can not teleport back to the check point outside the boss room i tested the checkpoints and even if you havnt died and decided to teleport to somewhere from the check point in the boss room it works fine but then trying to teleport back just makes you go back to the very start LIFE AND MANA FLASK - CAN NOT BE USED while using a ability (i.e.Flicker strike) or DODGE ROLL so if you see you health going down its tuff shit you have to watch your character die EVEN THOUGH YOU PRESS THE FLASK LIKE 5 TIMES THE TRIAL OF CHAOS - THE ESCORT CHALLENGE The statue you have to escort has a hella small engagement circle it could really do with enlarging abit imo soemtimes it feels like you have to stand directly underneath it to activiate it UTZAAL - MONSTERS WITH THE SPEAR AND ROPE ATTACK - once these monsters are dead if they hit you previously before death the rope stays attached for like 3 min and even goes over the roof tops of building and trees and looks completley stupid 2 Ropes attached still off dead monsters ![]() 2 Ropes still attached and going over building ![]() THE BLACK CHAMBER - DORYANI'S TRIUMPH Still attacks with the lazer attack when stunned? so whats the point of stunning the boss if he can still attack? (Act 3) MAPS AND CAMPAIGN FEEDBACK Long Feedback on Map reviews (some maps) and Suggestions for improvements with towers SANCTUM STUFF AND VISUALS LACK OF MOVEMENT AND WARRIOR TREE CRASHES AND GENERAL GAMING FEEDBACK VISUAL ISSUES FOR CONSOLE AND XP Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Jan 2, 2025, 5:05:29 PM Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 3:55:09 AM
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Hi again. I have had the wand and focus issue before. Try putting them into your offhand and I bet the stats will change. I think it's buggy right now so somehow they get stuck on only working with weapon set two. Try changing your main hand skills to only work with weapon set 1. This is what helped me.
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cheers mate appriciaite that, but that shoudlnt be the long term solution its more of a bug report kinda as well i was going for hopefully one of the website Devs notice the post and pass it on
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" Definitely needs to be fixed. |
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SANCTUM/ToS - on PS5 you are unable to look at what boons you have?? or if it is possible its not intuitive to find it infact i will 1000% say its defo not possible to see a list of boons while in sanctum or see the down sides you have as well while running it
This is a bug. Sometimes u get a Pop Up, that show u the new Boon or Affliction. But mostly not. at the moment u need to press Option ( There where u can go to social menue, a.s.o ) Than u must Press R3 There u can get over ur Buffs and also the Sanctum Boons and Afflicitons. Its not very efficiant, but this way u cant check ur Boons at, |
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Yeah just pause and hit ur right stick in and u can hover the icons. If that is bugged for u make sure to report it as that works on x box no issues. Should help with boons and afflictions in sanctum.
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