POE 2 is outdated

So I've been having a good time with the game but there's a lot of systems that feel really outdated or are issues that have been solved for many years now.

Trading: If POE2 is going to have it and have it be cross platform then there needs to be in game trade house. It's just a better more convenient experience all around. With the current system people are being hacked and are reliant on the website and third party sites.

Loot Filter: I honestly think a loot filter is a band aid on a gushing wound. It makes the issue better but doesn't tackle what the original issue is. Having your game unplayable due to the entire screen being overloaded with drops is not how you should do loot. Especially since in the end game taking your loot back to your stash consumes one of your portals. When players are asking for ways to hide loot entirely to make a game playable then you're clearly doing loot wrong. A boss needs 1-5 items and maybe some currency befitting the difficulty of the boss.

Character Creator: In a modern game being able to choose your gender and having at least basic editable features is quite standard. This is of course a lesser issue for me but something that we should have.


The passive talent screen has long been considered a barrier to entry for many new players. I'd like to see an option that if checked minimizes the passive tree to a recommended section that's a fraction of the size. In most cases you'll never use 70% of that board so it's just filler and unused. I understand that players like having the option to choose whatever they want I'd just like to see a more "On Rails" option available for newbies like myself.
Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 3:37:29 AM
Hard agree with the first three, mid agree on the gender thing. As long as my warrior/Barb is male and my Sorceress is female then I have no issue.
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
Hard agree with the first three, mid agree on the gender thing. As long as my warrior/Barb is male and my Sorceress is female then I have no issue.

Yeah I could take or leave the gender thing as well since you really don't see your character in game all that well but to be gender locked with 0 options of customizations seems weird in a game like POE1/2.
Last edited by ViolentNomad380#8232 on Jan 4, 2025, 2:53:41 PM
It is a little puzzling for a game that intends to generate revenue from selling cosmetics, that there is no customization of characters at all. The only thing unique about our characters is its name.
It is a little puzzling for a game that intends to generate revenue from selling cosmetics, that there is no customization of characters at all. The only thing unique about our characters is its name.

I feel like that's why they have no customization. When they build these armor sets they only have to build it for 1 set size. If you could adjust the width, height, gender, etc then the skin you buy would have to be adjustable for that. Given the cost of some of these gear sets it seems a little lazy though.

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