30 bucks to earn "Noob Supporter lvl 1 but maybe donate 480 to become real supporter
Game Key omnigodbronzeEagleShaft.exe.poe.wtf (You gave us 2 randomly, to toss it to a friend I guess from all of the clues suggesting so. I guess they are also a supporter? Interesting. So this F2P game, (D4BaDaDDSFDFAFSDFGS DeRpPP) exe.poe.wtf.sTEAM?.emails??.Client.EA.WTF ARE you guys doing? It's 2025, go ahead and get with CISCO, Steam and EA and put together a f***ing Symbolically-Linked Log in that can handle the perm shakes when a player logs in with the info created for them. No need for all of this.
Here's a tip AND the reason as to why D4 will probably hold the record on ARPG sales : Simplify the basics, in this case logging into the damn game with a "early access" key AKA (Lets charge for our game because we don't really hold up to our word and want to milk out some cash. As if the 480 support pack isnt enough from the giga chads that buy them left and right) [D4 HAS HORSE SALE FOR 40 BUCKS LDS;IGHFUKSDFHGKJLHFG;KL] GGG : Here's A KEY, TWO KEYS! UH DEC 6TH EA!! YEAH! UH! STEAM AND EG REDEEM IT THERE NO WAIT REDEEM HERE AT THIS GERMAN PRON LINK I MEAN LINK HYPER LINK? GGG : OK YEAH SO CLIENT ! EA NO GOOOOOD. YEAH! BUY 480 SUPPORT. F2P WE SWEAR. OK GO POE1 I MEAN I MEAN POE TWO POE 22222 / POE 2 F2P EA DEC 6TH.EXE.CLIENT.STEAM.EG.FU**.Me.Aut.Json.ISM.presetcharacters.isit2025or2001.Permissionshakerequestsfrom2001andnot2025.ajdsfkhlklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklklk Error Ok, so merge accounts, they link up and good to go. I hope my retarded grammar and points made no sense at all and that it burns your soul trying to read this all. I hope you read it all too. If you got to this point, GGG. POE2 needs a lot of work, it's a tough game, has some cool ideas for builds even tho 90% copy/paste 4 builds via giga stream chadedbeards. D4 Bad / POE2 BADDERWORSERRR.EXE.PAYMETOLOVEYOU.maybenexttime Last Epoch bois, that's where it's at, until blizzards wrath comes once they get from under microsofts greedy lil thumb. Once that happens, it will probably still be bad but on the level of bad that we could say is leagues better than this non-sense. ok, peace/ ldsfmnk Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 3:27:13 PM
Meds, NOW.
" Drugs , stop it , get some help . |
Get well soon.
W1e sare sö bsxk sxhizo bros
Call your psychiatrist immidiately.
Tech guy
he typed all of that with his face, impressive