Feedback from midcore XBox player

Hi there!

Currently I play on console (Xbox) and I currently reached tier 15 maps with my Lightning Ranger (Level ~85). I think I'm not a casual, but not a hardcore player either. I don't know the current meta, and I don't care, because I like to plan and play my own builds. Creating my own build and see how it works, is the biggest fun to me in Path of Exile.

Here is my feedback, considering this is Early Access and major points like overall peroformance, game stability, bugs etc. will be fixed.


For me the flask system is one of the biggest construction sites in game. It works right now on a basic level, but it feels like a lot is still missing.

- Utility Flasks (like in poe1) are my most wanted feature right now, quicksilver flasks are more than welcome, I hope they will be implemented sooner than later

- There are too many flask drops overall, if you ask me

- Make it possible to salvage quality flasks for shards of glassblower bubbles (that wourld be a new shard item)

- add a modifier to flasks that extends flask duration (instead of shortening it) for builds that want to utilitize on flask effect buffs (seen a lot of them in the skill tree)

- add rare flasks (for mana and life) with more special effects as the third modifier


- I would really really love to see that you can override runes on gear.
You do not have to have to implement the option to unsocket and remove runes, I get it, but overriding an old rune with a new one should really be considered.

- I would love to see the item level in the default tooltip (option)

Console Features and minor bugs

- Add loot filter options and filter customization (most wanted anyway), I want to be able to switch between strict and default on XBox

- Let me switch to a cursor mode (e.g. a toggle button to slot in my skill menu, that switches to cursor mode and back), sometimes that would be very useful

- Fix stash chests in Trials and in 'outposts' (e.g. the small hub you start act 3 in), if you press the Y Button there, it drops the items to the floor instead of quick transfer into the stash

- The NPC Shop of Alva (buying random rolls) is missing when I interact with her in my hideout

- Give me more settings (vsync, font size, disable/reduce other player effects, loot fiter!, colors)

- The game basically crashes when I fail a trial of sekhema

QoL Wishlist

- Keep symbols for breaches, dilirium, rituals, etc. on the map, once discovered. They should stay visible once you found them.

- My Stun Threshold values are missing in the character sheet, please add them somewhere and make it transparent how it works

- Also my own Ailment Threshold should be displayed in the character overview, with how likely it is to be inflicted by freeze, ignite, shock, etc.

- Accuracy needs more values then the chance for enemies within 2m of me (that's most likely always 100%). Please add values in advanced info of skills: chance for enemies 6m away and enemies 12m range away

- For skills that can inflict ailments, please show the average damage done to enemies inflicted with that ailment in advanced skill info (e.g. for lightning skills - damage against shocked enemies, etc.) - would be very helpful

- I like the recommended support skill gem selection for my skills (that's good help for beginners), even better would be to also show the most used support skill gems by other players (if you have that data) - would also help making the meta more transparent to everyone

- Please make the Stormcaller Arrow skill non-piercing by default

- Add more defensive support gems that use spirit for my heralds and permanent buffs

- there should be a crafting options for uncut skills gems (e.g. combine three with a chance to get a higher one)

Thanks for reading, that was my feedback. Overall I am pretty impressed how good this is for an Early Access game. GGG is definitly on the right track with the changes to PoE1 and the overall direction of that game.
Last edited by MaxDetroit#8188 on Jan 6, 2025, 5:50:39 AM
Last bumped on Jan 6, 2025, 5:41:52 AM

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