“Deshret’s Blessing” Level Up Effect is broken

The level-up effect from the King of the Faridun supporter pack isn’t working properly, at least on PS5 couch coop:

1. In the supporter pack video, a distinct level up noise plays. However, in game, the default noise plays.
2. In the same video, a white flash occurs on/around the character. In game, I see some sand pushing outward, but the effect is otherwise extremely subtle and hard to even notice. It’s easy to not realize you’ve levelled up if enough chaos is happening on screen
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2025, 2:52:13 PM
Bumping this issue — confirmed that it consistently does not work other than some sand being pushed. The MTX is not very close at all to what is visible in the supporter pack trailer in terms of visuals and the new SFX (which never plays).
same here. broken.
Just reporting that this is still broken in the current patch, it is nothing like the advertised MTX in the trailer
Thanks for your report. We have a fix for this coming soon.
Thank you so much!

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