[3.25]juju's Shockwave Totem Guide || King of Sanctum || Blight || League start || Boss and mapping!

WORK IN PROGRESS. About 75% done. FAQ/map/boss/blight coming later. Adding stuff until 3.26

Hello, its me the coc ice nova guy. I have personally league started four times from act4 to lvl100 and have tried a lot of SWT setups.

What is Shockwave Totem? (swt)
Its AOE skill that can offscreen kill monsters when using astral projector ring and have massive damage even on low budget. If there is one build where you dont need defences... its this one!

Guide is split into four sections
1. Sanctum
2. Late game (all content)
3. League start and early maps
4. FAQ
I have farmed thousands of divines in sanctum and this is the best and most chill build for it. This gem setup is way superior to any other you will see from other noobs who don't know about herald buff route. Sad to see people build around skitterbots or anathema when there is this superior version.
A: Ralakesh setup
B: Ralakesh with mageblood (expensive setup)
C: Early sanctum
D: i83 Sanctums (no ralakesh)

A: Ralakesh setup
With this setup you can run i83 sanctums smoothly. Boots can be 20-30div on first weeks of league but rest of gear should be pretty cheap. I haven't added righteous fire for this setup but you can use it depending on regn situation for massive DPS boost instead more duration gem. Personally last league i played with both setups and ended up liking more duration more since felt had enough damage and added RF when got mageblood :D

Must have gear


Hrimsorrows will carry you for a long time especially if you can get good corruptions but 60% cold convert rares will be BiS later on.



On large cluster dont use grim oath or master of fundamentals, rest are all good. Medium is BiS before mageblood. You dont need 35% small clusters at mega budget. Use cheaper 25% or drop vitality/herald of ash/zealotry (haven't done math)

GiGa DPS jewels

Make sure militant faith has 'dominus' and check in pob if nodes you use get changed. On budget the two small devotions can be what ever. Balance of terror phys as extra, other mod dont matter really. On watchers eye you want high hatred crit% and there are a lot of secondary mods you can pick from. Rational doctrine is not too important and can be skipped.

You need one rare jewel with 3% rmr to fit in all auras. Rest should be generic Life/dps/res/attributes

Add 5% herald buff for every intelligence node you can
pob: https://pobb.in/wsfy6AGHPvKG

B: Ralakesh with mageblood (expensive setup)
I sold my gear months ago but here is pob of my EXTREMELY min/maxed setup that is way too overkill. Likely the fastest SWT sanctum runner anyone has created and could run under 10min sanctums. It had 313% movement speed (353% vaal haste) and permanent uptime on phase run and extremely fast cooldown with flame dash while having over 500mil DPS. It was extremely pain to min/max resistance and attributes and craft all 84clusters since they barely exists
pob: https://pobb.in/EORcB1rh_dVA

Ok so now you have farmed 2-4flask mageblood and want to follow my pob. Here are some things i want to mention.
- only gem swap is more duration for righteous fire for even more DPS
- just ignore 40% attribute enchant and do not try to balance attributes for rational doctorine. Having INT as highest attribute is still nice dps
- you will be fine with just +1 skill or +2aoe corruption on chest
- it's still perfectly fine to use rare ring. Would say last thing to invest is +1power charge ring. Why i went with precursor instead +1power rare ring? Well precursor has movement speed that is way better than any damage i can get
- you are lower level? Don't use medium clusters
- Getting 2flask mageblood is extremely good and we dont even need 4flask to be honest. With my endgame setup i just happened to find 3flask mb with hatred aura effect and just bought it (was saving for 4flask) But for real next league i am going to instantly buy 2flask MB and upgrade from there if even needed. There are some different setups you can do with 4flask mb like using progenesis and granite flask for more defence for example. The biggest improve you can do is making quiksilver and silver flask permanent and BUFFED.

C: Early sanctum
With this setup that mostly had lvl19 gems i could do i71 sanctum smoothly at level 85. Also to mention i had +1phys shield and +1all amulet. Instead these 'expensive' early league items i could have used few chaos 21swt gem instead. Would be ready to sanctum prison and add in budget animate guard setup.
pob: https://pobb.in/r8F30_ILxfY4

- Same setup with budget AG/Zealotry. We go from 4.7 to +8mil DPS
- Doable i83 sanctums with +1totem/30% reserve shield and tree optimization
pob: https://pobb.in/0c_jYl-BLFV6 (use loadout)

D: i83 Sanctums (no ralakesh)
This is base before you go ralakesh or for gamers who wants to have overall good SWT char and do all content and not sit in sanctum 24/7. You don't need this good gear and will be fine with way worse gear and if you plan to run sanctum seriously i would 100% advice to swap ralakesh setup instantly when you can since its just faster

For shield you need 30% reserve mod or have to use small mana cluster. Dragonfang can have any reservation roll.
Optional choises

Dialla's is giga damage but losing rare suffixes makes things harder. Also you would need serious ES rolls on rest of gear for not to have mana issues. For hrimsorrows there are multiple good corruptions


Add 5% herald buff for every intelligence node you can
pob: https://pobb.in/A1lxrtwNemJa

Animate Guardian Hatred aura
If you are not using this in sanctum you are just trolling. This setup adds like 50% bossdps while also getting free hatred aura and BUFFED. I have added AG mods in pob custom section and removing it you can see how insane DPS this gives. Pretty much only thing that can kill AG is lycias lightning phase so be sure you can kill lycia before this phase. Use leer/dying before buy expensive stuff because its not fun to lose them (have been there)

Body armour


only scorch % matters here


Rare with regen rate 20-21%, flat regen and life. Implicit can be cold/fire exposure (close to same DPS) and i like to put extinguish but for real implcits does not matter since AG barely can hit before you kill stuff so ignore them if you want.


Make sure to have green socket on crown. Leer cast on start/budget.


Kingmaker is crazy strong for this build (recipe: soul taker+fusing orb+Heartbreaker) Dying breath on start/budget

First of all i would advice to read what the gems say you use with ag setup.
What can kill my ag?
Some boss abilities can kill your ag if you cant kill it fast enough. Guards/rare monsters have never got even close to kill my ag in over thousand runs. Scariest times are for sure when you are still on more budget setup. Floor 3 and 4 bosses are most scary. Would avoid taking monsters deal 25% more damage affliction. Also lycia in The Blood of Innocence (balance of terror relic) may kill your ag since it gives 50% more monster damage. I have this happened once with min/maxed setup. TLDR: if you can kill lycia before lightning maze phase your ag will be fine.

How can my ag sustain life regen?
There are some ag sustain video/calculators online you can find too. With just gruthkul and 21% life regen rate/flat regen gloves i have always been able to sustain. Gem levels also make difference so look what gems say. It can be really small marginals that makes it sustain regen. Some cases even going from 20 to 21% life regen rate could fix it.

When to add ag setup?
Would say once you can kill lycia before its lightning maze phase you should add AG to setup. Personally i do few low sanctums to see what tier i can handle and by the feeling i add in budget AG. Do not rush too fast high level sanctums.

When to add kingmaker and crown of the tyrant?
These can be worth multiple divines on league start. I would say these two items are really high on the upgrade list. Kingmaker is just insane upgrade for sanctum and would buy it as fast as i can affort it if plan to do only sanctum.

mod importance ranking
1. 20-21% Life regen rate
2. life
3. life regen (optional, depending on things you need this)
4. lightning resistance (optional)
5. other resistance (optional)
For eater implicits
1. cold exposure.
2. fire exposure. (if you use hrimsorrow this is best and use cold expo mastery)
These mods can be normal or unique enemy in presence. I would just setle for one i get first. Implicits are not too important because your ag wont event hit most of the time.
Exarch implicit dont really matter. Unnerve would be nice if you use hrimsorrow but would not spend too much money on budget to get it.
Super late game when i am mirror rich would use cold expo unique and extinguish implicits.
Last edited by juju#3413 on Mar 5, 2025, 7:30:06 PM
Last bumped on Mar 25, 2025, 9:09:45 PM
Late game
currently working on

There are few different ways to build this depending on your needs.

Notable mentions about different versions
- Elemental ailment immunity
- Anathema with 4-5curses
- Righreous fire
- More defence instead damage
- Balanced int/str with rational doctrine

General anathema setup (no mageblood)
pob: https://pobb.in/Uq6QMjvM4pz2
- Has elemental ailment immunity
- +200mil DPS with 4 curses up and +100mil without
- Balanced int/str with rational doctrine regen

Gear and gems



Add 5% herald buff for every intelligence node you can
Last edited by juju#3413 on Mar 25, 2025, 9:26:09 PM
League start and early mapping
How to?
A: Level with spell you like and swap to SWT at act4-6
B: Play any build and swap to SWT when have astral projector
C: Farm shit with metabuild and buy full gear and swap

I want to warn that some of you will hate SWT without astral projector and some will be like this is just fine B-tier leveling. Once you get astral projectrol it feels like you are cheating XD It is HUGE different to play with astral projector... it's like playing different skill

POB https://pobb.in/iKHtpMzs8MDa
Different skill trees for campaign and maps
I have made two loadouts for maps and maps low life so use them (top right in pob) Loadouts are based around early mapping with lvl18 skill gems.

Personally i level with generic speedrunner strat: Rolling magma + holy flame totem and swap to SWT at around lvl 38(get multi totem support) when i have hrimsorrows and 4-link. Its pretty much up to you what prefer. Do not swap to SWT before first lab and hrimsorrows(~1c item). Do keep and try to get energy shield gear and bases so you can rely only on Eldritch battery and have all mana reserved. More ES = more chill gameplay.

regex to check vendors fast: "r-[rb]-b|b-[rb]-r|r-b-r|b-r-b|nne|rint|ll g"

Create ranger, kill hilloc, check vendors and mule momentum support (recommended)

Rolling magma B-B-B (use arcane surge before combustion)

Holy flame totem B-R-R

Flame wall

Frostblink B-B

Shield charge R-G-G (buy faster attacks in libary act3 or trade)

(optional gems) I am personally clarity enjoyer at early campaign.

Keep your arcane surge gem at low level(3). You can link it to multiple skills at once but would not stress about this.

Optionally you can use flame dash instead frostblink at level 10 but i play campaign with frostblink/shield charge combo and swap to flame dash at maps.

Kill all bandits

Herald of Thunder and Ice. I would still use clarity and vitality in my gem links and use them if i can. Should be usable all 4 when have sovereignty (confirm later)

Buy these gems for later and level in weapon swap (no hurry if cant buy instantly)

Elemental weakness and recommend linking automation with steelskin

Do libary quest and buy hatred and haste for later (optionally buy vaal haste from trade and level it in weapon swap) Also buy faster attacks for shield charge (if no R-G-G replace momentum)

More libary gems to level in weapon swap (no stress if cant. Fine to buy in act6)

Shockwave totem (make sure to level this, dont use yet)

Act4-10 and SWT gem setup
Hopefully at this point you have enough currency to buy hrimsorrow gloves. Do first lab and continue with rolling magma and holy flame totems.

If you have hrimsorrow and 4-link R-R-R-B or R-R-B-B you can switch to SWT at level 38. Optionally keep rolling with rolling magma and HFT and switch in act6 start (i wont do so and, rest of leveling will be as in SWT)
Multiple totems support

Shockwave totem swap at level 38 (or later)

Shockwave totem R-R-R-B or R-R-B-B with faster casting instead fire damage (this is worse)

Shield charge R-G-G (fine without momentum)

Frostblink or Flame dash B-B

Elemental weakness

Automation steelskin setup (optional setup) You can add more duration or phase run in act6 or have both. Would highly recommend having automation+steelskin minimum

Summon Lightning golem (optional, still worth using for campaign. Would remove at maps)

Aura and heralds (will test and confirm stuff later)

Okay so here i have to explain some things. At around level 50 you can use Hatred + haste + Herald of purity + Herald of ash. Make sure you have enough energy shield so you can just rely on Eldritch battery. At this point its around ~270es. If you have have too much issues then remove herald of ash and be eb/mana hybrid. Life mastery 15% mana taken as life us huge help!

Before lvl 50 and the magical 10% herald reserve node do this: Use how it feels good in this ranking order

1. Hatred
2. Haste
3. Herald of purity
4. Herald of ash
Bonus guy: Clarity. If still have this somewhere in links you can use instead something?

Crit swap after 3rd lab or first maps
Would recommend doing lab before kitava so no resistance penalty. After 3rd lab you can choose if swap to crit or do it after kitava. Crit will be minorly better than old setup with EB. Do what is most chill for you.

The perfect gem setup

Shockwave totem

Concentraded effect as 5th link. If you want more aoe then instead use hypothermia

No link gems (can use vaal haste)

Frostblink or flamedash + arcane surge (arcane surge is useless after 4th lab)

Shield charge (optional but makes things faster, dont rush into too big packs)

Automation + Steelskin (+phase run optional, can also use more duration)

Assasins mark. Ignore other gems if socket pressure but you can do this 4-link for nice DPS. Also dont use Assasins mark before you have whisper of doom from tree.

Cast on death portal (very optional, costs ~2-5c)

Gems to level for later maps for low life version

Gear at league start? Well cant say much. Use generic life/res/str/dex on all slot. You really need a lot of dex/str for this build. It is fine to just down level some dex gems and keep them there so you can use them. For weapon you can just find/buy rare +1phys weapon and shield and things get faster. Make sure you can buy hrimsorrows before invest in anything. Focus on energy shield gear. You will need them because of Eldritch Battery.

Early maps
1. Make sure to have 75% resistances and try get chaos res on gear.
2. Buy budget +1 phys/all skill weapon with decent stats if you dont already have one
3. Buy budget 5-link with decent stats. Preferably armour/es hybrid base with over 200ES because its way easier to get 2red 3blue sockets than pure ES chest. 5-link will be fine for red maps. More ES = better and smoother mana
4. Craft/buy medium cluster with sleepless sentries (just this node is priority)
5. Start saving for astral projector. This is biggest upgrade by far. Get instantly if can!!!
6. Buy heatshiver
7. Buy atziris promise and taste of hate flasks
8. Next step 'Early maps Low life' setup

After buying few upgrades you should be able to do last lab easily. Would suggest swapping vitality instead herald of ash for other than izaro rooms. Getting +1 physical/all skill on amulet and shield is luxury, its fine without. Divine judgement is best budget annoint for amulet (sepia+teal+black)

Early maps Low life
You need 14% mana reservation efficiency from small cluster jewel or 'charisma' annoint (opal+gold+gold) to go low life with petrified blood so can use pain attunement for 30% more spell damage
Last edited by juju#3413 on Mar 9, 2025, 9:57:18 AM
Questions and answers here (updatin all the time)
Going to have sanctum and general question/answers
damage tiering: damage/spell/totem/area damage -> global phys damage -> elemental damage -> cold damage

we convert 100% phys to cold and with endgame setups we have about 55% cold and 45% fire damage (+some light/chaos damage)

with balance of terror jewel we can shock and it can get pretty high actually. Its one reason why using skitter bots is total bait. You dont even need to hit a target when casting ele weak, just cast once every 10second to get massive dps buff. You have to cast it YOURSELF and not trigger from anything!

Pohx league

Been playing pohx's private league on chill mode. Killed eater/exarch quests and some guardian maps and then swapped to i75-78sanctums until i had good enough upgrades to run i83 sanctums. Was super lucky to buy Crown of the Tyrant and kingmaker. Some of the items are scuffed to buy since they barely exist in this league due to low ammount of players. Normal league i would have gotten upgrades so much faster :D Been waiting a long time to get empower4 and 5% herald buff tattoos but they dont exist x)

Ninja profile where you can follow my journey.

pre-ralakesh lvl96 with 50mil dps https://pobb.in/f7HTU2R7M6l4

''Budget'' ralakesh setup 70mil dps https://pobb.in/ueiOCr1gYu9h

Current 240mil dps sanctum runner https://pobb.in/KW-2aByRTnjU

Gloves on my AG
Last edited by juju#3413 on Mar 25, 2025, 7:30:09 PM
For the upcoming temporary event, doesn't Surfcaster look busted for SWT? Giga-cast speed, all hits crit, and cold damage can shock.
For the upcoming temporary event, doesn't Surfcaster look busted for SWT? Giga-cast speed, all hits crit, and cold damage can shock.

Dont think it will be worth to sacrifise weapon/shield and 4 points to get baited breath/Screaming reels. But surfcaster is really good for SWT. Don't think i will be playing it but i would pick these: Stormy Seas -> Glacial Wave -> Ghost of the Deep and then last point can be Sea Legs or Changing Seasons if you can figure out self chill. Self chill will work on totem placement speed and movement speed so would be GG sanctum runner for sure :D But yeah on paper phys to light to cold SWT can be pretty insane DPS. Can go physical to lightning support and 40% light to phys convert mastery and rest 10% from glove craft or implicit for full phys to light to cold to extra fire if using heatshiver (damn thats some dps)
Hey what about the new Polytheist ascendancy? It seems pretty good imo.
Gobrica#2267 wrote:
Hey what about the new Polytheist ascendancy? It seems pretty good imo.

Its very bad. Gives nothing but astral projectors one liner. Also swt is not a projectile skill. Would never use this

Going to be offline until sunday and then continue with guide and pohx league

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