Elemental Discharge (Legionare)

Hey everyone,

since I didnt see anyone else write about it or use it, I wanted to start a thread so we could collect some more info on this support gem. Since there is also no tooltip for this skill... My main focus is to use it as the main damage source. It triple scales off of int if you apply all 3 ailments, i think it could do some good damage in the end. (Freezing bosses regularly is unlikely though)

Elemental discharge seems to be affected by other support gems socketed in the same skill. This can be seen by using the Ingenuety support gem to reduce the cooldown. (You can select discharge in your skillbar and there is the current cooldown displayed) So i would assume it is considered like a normal skill.

I just leveld a character to try the double support gem from Legionare so i could use 2 of the Elemental Discharge support gems, but unfortunately they share a cooldown so its probably useless... Is this the only time where you could acctually equip two of the same skill?

If you have spark supported by discharge it is not supposed to apply any aliments, but if your sparks go through a flamwall the ignite will still be applied (since it is considered kind of applying a debuff?), but you will need to hit 2 times. So Ball of lightning might be more suitable for this.

I would be interested, if Temporalis will affect the cooldown of Elemental Discharge, because the cooldown seems to be on the spell itself. So if anyone could try that let us know :)

Whats the best skill combination to quickly apply Ailments?
While leveling i just used flamewall and hoped that my spark shocked things... I thought about using the Unique gloves Painters Servant to be able to apply all ailments at once with one skill.

Or Stormweaver with Shaper of Stroms and Shaper of winter and then using a Fire spell...

Another combo could also be: cast on ignite + cast on shock (+ cast on freeze) So you would for example only need to ignite mobs and this will triger spells that apply other ailments and finnally it will trigger a skill with discharge (means 1 less support gem though)

It could also be interesting if you have a mates that focus on applying ailments and you just focus on getting dmg out of Discharge.

Does the increased damage against targets with ailments apply to Discharge?

If you have any other ideas let me know :)
Last edited by Seskon#1522 on Jan 9, 2025, 2:13:02 PM
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2025, 6:49:18 AM
I too was hoping to make a build out of elemental discharge but I dont think its going to happen. The internal cooldown means that this spell can only ever deal damage every 1 second, and its aoe is very small. You have 1 less support skill as well due to it taking a slot inherently. My best idea so far is to use radiant grief which makes all enemies in your presence ignited permanently, and use firestorm to also consume ignites and elemental discharge will basically just be extra damage. Then I guess you can use a lightning skill to apply shocks While firestorm does its work.
Invoker Monk can generate shocking ground patches, you can create fire ground using flamewall, or burning inscription.

This means you can theoretically be doing cold damage to freeze things, while generating shock/burning ground which always applies shock/ignite, to have triple elemental ailment to discharge.

The nice thing about the ground is that it will automatically reapply the ailment after you discharge it.

I was doing this on my monk for a bit and it worked quite well with Eye of Winter, since Eye of Winter also spreads stacking ground effects. (shocking, fire, and chilled).

Also, the double support gem thing of Gemling only works if you put the supports on different skills, so you cant have 2 of the same gems on the same skill gem.

Instead just run 2 of the same skills, or put a 2nd discharge on a different skill.

Also, there are the 33% elemental split unique gloves, however, they will only apply Ignite + Shocked on the first hit, for some reason it never applies all three, so the target will not freeze until the 2nd hit.
Last edited by trenan#1374 on Jan 13, 2025, 3:55:06 PM
Brinkofwar wrote:
The internal cooldown means that this spell can only ever deal damage every 1 second
It can be reduced with the Ingenuetiy support gem, I think this will reduce it to .6s and with passives on the tree it can get to around .4s.
There will be a new prolbem though if you reduce the time. You need to apply ailments faster than the cooldown. With Flamewall and projectiles, this is no problem. But for the other ailments you would either need high damage, making discharge kinda a gimmic or using ground effects wich dont reapply immidiately (Flamewall itself also takes some time to reapply).

Brinkofwar wrote:
My best idea so far is to use radiant grief which makes all enemies in your presence ignited permanently

Have you tried this? Usually effects get applied by auras only once, when the mob enters the effect range. So once it is consumed by discharge, i think it wont apply again unless the mob exits and reenters the area. This would probably be good enough for clearing but not for bossing. (Havent tested it though)

trenan wrote:
Invoker Monk can generate shocking ground patches, you can create fire ground using flamewall, or burning inscription.

Yes, this would mean that you need to deal enough damage with a diffrent skill before you can use discharge (and invest into ailment chance/magnitude) to be able to apply the first shock that then might trigger the shocked ground.
I have tried the Wake of Destruction boots wich apply shocked ground while walking. This will result in an easier way of applying it and not limiting your ascendancy choice. It worked great on bosses since you can just walk around them and they are basicly on shocked ground all the time (if they move/attack the shock seems to be reapplied faster).

trenan wrote:
Eye of Winter also spreads stacking ground effects.

Yes, this sounds like a great skill in combination with ground effects and Discharge, I totally missed it...

trenan wrote:
the double support gem thing of Gemling only works if you put the supports on different skills, so you cant have 2 of the same gems on the same skill gem.
Yes I am aware of that. What i meant is that even if you have socked discharge in two diffrent skills, the cooldown of both discharges are shared. So if one goes off both are on cooldown.

trenan wrote:
Also, there are the 33% elemental split unique gloves, however, they will only apply Ignite + Shocked on the first hit, for some reason it never applies all three, so the target will not freeze until the 2nd hit.

Yes Painters Servant, I mentioned them in my orginal post. In order for these to be of use, you need enough damage and invest into chance to apply the ailments which will most likely result in worse damage then just using ground effects.

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