Flask and Charm Suggestion - Possible rework?
I have been playing POE 2 since EA launch and have been really enjoying it, the loot systems are interesting, deep and straightforward. Its a breath of fresh air coming off "damage on tuesdays" of D4, having been a Diablo fan since D1 launch.
That being said there are two pieces of gear that feel very basic and uninteresting to me. I have a few characters in their early 50's and a few under 20 so I am not yet in end-game, but I am just enjoying playing and experimenting. Flasks When choosing a flask I look at how much it gives you per second, then I check for charges per second. If it doesn't have that I try to add it. If I dont get it I sell it. That stat is great, and very important in boss fights without minions, especially on an under performing character. As far as I can tell there are no rare versions of flasks, and really nothing more interesting to find. Its pretty disappointing. Quality on flasks cant be salvaged for materials either. I hope this is coming in the future? Charms Honestly, I can't tell if they are working. There is no indicator or sound as fas as I can tell when they activate. No way to know if its on cooldown, and the resists on them dont seem to change my character stats. Again these just feel underwhelming. Suggestions Flasks My suggestion is to take the resists, the cannot be frozen/ignite etc off charms and put them into the flask stats pool. If a flat increase to resists is too powerful then maybe have it trigger on potion use. At least this will allow me to know when its being triggered. Charms Then for the charms, I think a cross between D2 and Last epoch would be good. I like how the charm slots are tied to your belt, but so far I have only ever found one belt with a second charm slot on it. Im mid act 2 cruel. Last epoch you have to unlock the charm slots, and in both LE and D2 the charms are different sizes. Tying the charms to a special bag limits how many you can have active so you dont have the full D2 charm inventory nonsense. But putting more interesting passive stats on them would be better than the ambiguous charges thing that it is now. Feels like "resists on tuesdays" More Luck, Move speed, attack speed, more hp, more resists, more flask charges gained, etc. Nothing too fancy but something more than what they are now. I think this could really flesh out the loot system in POE2 in an area that feels out of place and lacking in comparison to the rest of the loot. Flasks and Charms at the stage of the game I am at feel like there is little choice and dont really effect my build. Honestly the health flask could just be a static flask that levels with my character for all I care so long as I have charges per second. Last bumped on Jan 10, 2025, 12:59:18 PM
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