current best gems to level with in ssf without carry over gear/materials?

whats the easiest way to level a new build without using carryover gear/materials basically a fresh start?

i assume it would be a spell since they are not weapon dependent..


minion/fire wall?

trying to level with minions seems sketchy since u need to rely on spirit

using a 2 handed weapon mace/bow/xbow seems risky since early u are already squishy to every thing and have very limited access to energy shield gear or resist gear so giving up a shield slot seem bad..

so whats the idea set up to level a new build?
Last bumped on Jan 12, 2025, 5:54:30 AM
no opinions?
Im sure people do have opinions BUT quite a few of those might get nuked from orbit in just a few hours.

Im waiting for the announcement, hopefully patchnotes right afterwards and then everyone has to adapt to the new reality.
Right now its somewhat pointless to give any recommendations while a giant Nerfhammer is on the horizon ;)
Bow to 14, Qstaff to maps. That's the play until news in 9ish hours says otherwise.

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