Item level requirements when crafting

I don't understand the concept of finding a rare that Is an upgrade and then thinking hmmm I'm gonna pop an exalted on it and then it gets a stats that changes the item lvl requirement to 5 lvl higher than me.

That makes me not use crafting item isn't that counterproductive ?
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2025, 7:46:35 PM
What matter is ilvl, when you pop your exalt the selected mod will be within the range allowed by the ilvl if it roll onto an affix with an higher level requirement than what it had prior it make sens that it upgrade the level of said item. Now you could put the requirement to the maximum possible from the get go but it would reduce player agencies so i'm personally not for it.
But most people won't care that it makes sense in terms of ilvl.

When I level up, I go to the shop, find a nice item of my exact lvl, I start crafting on it, I regal it and it ends up being very good I'm all excited to equip it and then I slam an exalted orb on it just to increase the requirement of it by 5 level... yay

Don't think it's a fun mechanic

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