Power Charges end game...?

Hiya all :)
Im new to poe, so sorry if this is somewhat of a noob questions.
im running an Invoker monk, with charged staff. And since lvl 1, i have been stacking as much power charges in order, to do as much damage as posible, but now in the end game, im wondering if its worth it anymore? I cant seem any "% damage increse pr power cahrge" stat anywhere. So was hoping someone could help me :)

Much Love guys
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 5:09:58 PM

Powercharges can be used for end game builds, but as far as I am aware there are no direct "dmg per power charge" stat in the game.

There are some different scaling though:
1. Charge infusion - spirit gem: Gives you more crit chance while you have power charges.
2. Falling Thunder - Skill gem: More projectiles the more power-charges consumed.
3. Flicker strike - Skill gem: More attacks per power charge consumed.

There should be build guides for both flicker strike and falling thunder on maxroll/mobalytics/other places. There are always things that are stronger, but as far as I know both builds are viable and fun.

Two guides I found now:

I am sure there are more, especially for flicker strike.

Good luck :)
Hope your enjoying PoE 2 so far, Invoker monk is definitely an endgame viable build, its got tons of offensive and defensive benefits in both its ascendancy and the position it is on the tree, Anyway as mentioned above charges have no inherent bonuses, instead these are baked into the skills that can consume them for a variety of benefits

1.Charged staff will grant 1-22 base lightning damage to your quarterstaff for each power charge consumed at gem level 20

2.Falling thunder will gain 100% more damage if it consumes a power charge and a stacking 25% more damage + 3 more projectiles for each singular charge consumed

3.Flicker strike meanwhile will gain 2 extra attacks for each consumed charge for teleport attack shenanigan's

if you've already gotten all the + max power charge notables the next best would be "One with the Storm" a notable on the quarterstaff section on the skill tree which will make it so all quarterstaff skills that consume power charges count as consuming one more

after that it would be to raise you gems with higher level uncut skill gems as much as your mana can allow to gain better benefits and damage ( this can also be done using the + level of melee skills suffix mod on quarterstaffs, this also has the added benefit of increasing the amount of evasion you will receive from wind dancer spirit skill)

Along with this there are two extra ways to raise your max power charges,

1.the unique boots https://www.poe2wiki.net/wiki/Powertread which give an extra max power charge and also give you +8% to Critical Damage Bonus per Power Charge you currently have.

2.there is a helmet corruption that will grant +1 max power charge by using a vaal orb (id advice not doing this until you have a good amount of excess currency and high level base items as vaaling an item can render it useless and there are multiple other corruptions you can end up with as well)

as Runtomrask mentioned Using Maxroll to check on different community builds will definitly help and show you the various options you can use on the build.

once again hope you enjoy your PoE journey
Beini0n#2047 wrote:
Hiya all :)
Im new to poe, so sorry if this is somewhat of a noob questions.
im running an Invoker monk, with charged staff. And since lvl 1, i have been stacking as much power charges in order, to do as much damage as posible, but now in the end game, im wondering if its worth it anymore? I cant seem any "% damage increse pr power cahrge" stat anywhere. So was hoping someone could help me :)

Much Love guys

Other than buffs from the Passive Tree ( +ES , +Crit Dmg ) if you use the Unique Jaguar boots you'll get + Crit Damage when spending Power Charge and that item also give +1 Max Power Charge .

You can also use the Spirit Skill that consume Charges every 4 seconds , it'll grant you +Crit Chance .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Hateforge + Serpent Egg.
Make a sacrifice to reach 12 rage per hit, 24 max rage. Charges for days you won't regret it.

Spenders for Power : Flicker Strike with "Ferocity" gem, Tempest Bell with "Potential" and/or with "Excise".

Spender for Endurance : Infernal Cry. This provides Gain 100% Extra as Fire, on top of boosting your skills with 1.15*1*35 more. This is EXTREMELY strong with Tempest Bell because it will apply the buff to the entirety of the skill (I assume it is the same as Mantra of Destruction). Good for bosses, not so good to clear maps.

Spenders for Frenzy : Rain of Arrows nice with Tempest Bell but it's skipable. Spiral Volley is main clearing skill. Get both nodes for 150% increase crit to full life targets, and get a crit chance bow. "Ambush" and "Potential" if you don't need it for the bell already.

Now if you have Ice Strike and Charged Staff and Infernal Cry, your bell damage will be as high as it gets. You multiply that with the crit from "Charge Infusion" and it just screams Invoker at this point.
I wanted to talk a bit about charge infusion, since some say it’s not worth the 30 spirit. While the skill description says it gives you 15% more crit chance or more depending on the gem level, the skill tool tip seems to apply double the crit chance whenever a power charge is used. With a base crit of 15%, I go from ~48% to ~52% on a lvl 17 gem.

I have yet to investigate if endurance charge and frenzy charge consumption does the same thing, but the skill seem to have 15%+ as base bonus, but then applies an additional 15%+ whenever it’s triggered, effectively giving you 30% more crit chance. While it’s still costly, it’s something players can consider as it’s effectively worth 2 crit chance passive nodes and can help push your crit beyond 50% without getting perfect gear rolls.

I do still think the skill should be changed somewhat. Maybe lower the base bonus, but scale it based on the number of charges you hold rather than a flat amount.
I wanted to talk a bit about charge infusion, since some say it’s not worth the 30 spirit. While the skill description says it gives you 15% more crit chance or more depending on the gem level, the skill tool tip seems to apply double the crit chance whenever a power charge is used. With a base crit of 15%, I go from ~48% to ~52% on a lvl 17 gem.

I have yet to investigate if endurance charge and frenzy charge consumption does the same thing, but the skill seem to have 15%+ as base bonus, but then applies an additional 15%+ whenever it’s triggered, effectively giving you 30% more crit chance. While it’s still costly, it’s something players can consider as it’s effectively worth 2 crit chance passive nodes and can help push your crit beyond 50% without getting perfect gear rolls.

I do still think the skill should be changed somewhat. Maybe lower the base bonus, but scale it based on the number of charges you hold rather than a flat amount.

I've tried for the last week to make Charge Infusion work in my build due to me dropping Flicker Strike the week before .

The biggest turn off i got against this skill , is not how strong those buffs can be but this : buffs from passive tree "+X when consuming Charges" will last something like 4 seconds and that duration is fixed & cannot be improved . Charge Infusion does a cycle of consumption every 5 seconds or so , which means there is gap of 1+ second where i do not benefit at all from Charge Infusion ... and this gap only keep increasing the more you invest in it ( 5.5 seconds cycle on my level 19 gem IIRC ) .

In substance if you spent 4 Skill pts on "+60% ES when consuming Power Charges" , your ES will indeed go up for 4 Seconds and then go back to it's Base Value for more than 1 Second ... so hard pass , this skill just doesn't do what it is supposed to do and Spirit is not the resource you can spend on something half baked .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 21, 2025, 3:32:12 PM
This is the only relevant post I could find about max power charges in POE2. hopefully someone could provide some insight.

So I vaaled a black sun crest helm and got +1 to max power charges on it. Currently on the market there is not a single item I could find with this stat except for the tread hunters, helmet or otherwise.

Either the search and filter for it is broken, it is extremely rare, or it is absolutely useless.

Can anyone speak on this? TIA!
Either the search and filter for it is broken, it is extremely rare, or it is absolutely useless.

Or you don´t know how to search: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade2/search/poe2/Standard/jOQWQDdSX

I run this insted: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade2/search/poe2/Standard/97QlkQ0SK

gives you more es and for the es bypass get cannibalis or life leech node.

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