A few concerns from a ps5 console player

Hey everyone

I didnt play poe 1 but i was wondering if it was the same with loss of xp on death and super amounts of xp needed per lvl. Im playing on ps5 and died 9 times today do to ground effect that couldnt be seen. I would greatly appreciate if they removed the penalty till they fix ground effect is so messed up at lvl 92 it takes 8+ maps per bar. I have no problem with grinding i have over 259 hours in at this point and cant get past lvl 92.

My second concerns is in game sound and item drop sounds like divine orbs should have their own adjustable bar. I know item filters are coming to console but regardless it should still be separate. I cant hear drop sounds over my attacks and i cant turn off attack sounds with out turning of item sounds.

My third request is please allow console players to have the opion to use keyboard and mouse i takes way to long to type in chat or communicate with pc players

Lastly i hope the xp needed to reach lvl 100 is lowered i would enjoy making a multitude of characters and try others but the time sink is just to great currently.
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2025, 6:22:21 PM
Its just that end game is not optimized do to many factors mainly them having to me a crappy game engine that they wont fix for console but thats another rant lol, everyone is experiencing the "lag pause" when screen fills up with enemies or killing everything on screen thus it lags the game and crashes or lag / pauses for many, i honestly dont get why it takes so long for them to update console, when tons of other games have bugs and issues and iron them out right away, but here we are a few months away from full release and console feels left behind once again, though they said other wise... yes this actual build of the game was a "season/league" and you would lose xp upon death whats even crappier is that you only get 1 life now lol... which to me is dumb but whatever lol....
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
Its just that end game is not optimized do to many factors mainly them having to me a crappy game engine that they wont fix for console but thats another rant lol, everyone is experiencing the "lag pause" when screen fills up with enemies or killing everything on screen thus it lags the game and crashes or lag / pauses for many, i honestly dont get why it takes so long for them to update console, when tons of other games have bugs and issues and iron them out right away, but here we are a few months away from full release and console feels left behind once again, though they said other wise... yes this actual build of the game was a "season/league" and you would lose xp upon death whats even crappier is that you only get 1 life now lol... which to me is dumb but whatever lol....

The lag you are experiencing is very likely server ping latency , in recent days it got worse .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
I get that but why ??? lol, i play other MMOs fine, Shooters fine, other ARPGs fine... i get when the game first came out to get some issues, but the player base has dropped so doubt its the amount of people playing.... they said they updated servers but doesnt seem like it when playing high density maps or mobs on screens the game goes coocoo maju.... maybe with the millions they made the need to update servers big time.... to process everything better....
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."

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