Spark Sorc Resistance Question
Context: I am fairly new to spark sorc, my main is a monk. I also did not play poe1
Question: I have seen some streams of the crazy one shot boss destroyers out there and I just wanna say first that I know I can most likely not replicate that kind of play without a ton of time and/or divines to grab perfect gear. However, even slightly following the model I just dont understand how they even find gear that can get them up to 9500+ mana, 500+ int and still have full resistances? I can understand if they are just saying f*** res and just going full glass cannon, but if they are getting max res how are those mana + int stats even possible? Just having an ingenuity must make max ressing really tough unless you putting all your rings on res....which doesnt make sense for mana stacking.... :shrug: any input here sparkers? PS: I know a lot of people hate the spark build, I dont care, this is not my main. I just wanna mess around with it before it gets nerfed(if it does) Last bumped on Jan 16, 2025, 3:31:50 PM