Can't see Prefix/Suffix sections, Affix tiers, or roll ranges on items after patch

these no longer show on gear or waystones. there doesn't appear to be a setting for "advanced info" for gear. only advanced naming for gear on ground

currently using an item filter so i went back to default item filter in case that somehow caused the issue. default item filter didn't change anything.

bug report reference number 1,133,531,852
Last bumped on Feb 5, 2025, 4:56:42 PM
left or right stick click
Thanks for your report.

This has been changed so you need to hold the Left Stick in to see the info.
Plz revert the change its incredible bad now
Adam_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report.

This has been changed so you need to hold the Left Stick in to see the info.

This change is horrible for usability as it's very straining on hands. If you want to hide the information by default, at least make the joystick press to be a toggle.

I always want to see the detailed information.
agreed this change is a terrible QoL change.
please atleast give us an option to toggle in game settings to always see detailed tooltips, having to hold down left stick is not a good feeling
Agreed that this should at least be customizable.
Adam_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report.

This has been changed so you need to hold the Left Stick in to see the info.

Thank you for the response. I'm glad this wasn't completely removed with a bug, but i agree with everyone else that this is a very bad QoL change. Please consider either reverting back to the way it used to be, making the LS click a toggle rather than hold (just like the right stick click to compare items), or make the advanced tooltip info a toggle in settings so it's either always visible or always hidden (preferable option).

In a game like this where gear/stat rolls are the most important thing for character power, i would guess that the majority of players always want to see this advanced tooltip info.
Adam_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report.

This has been changed so you need to hold the Left Stick in to see the info.

while in your stash or npc after letting go of left stick the search input ui comes up so very awkward checking tiers
Adam_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report.

This has been changed so you need to hold the Left Stick in to see the info.

while in your stash or npc after letting go of left stick the search input ui comes up so very awkward checking tiers

This still does not work. When you hold down the left stick it will indeed show the level on the right hand side, however it can not be interacted with; in addition moving the cursor onto the level number does not show whether it is a suffix or prefix or anything that it showed pre patch.please investigate and rectify. Kindest regards

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