Mobs not spawning in Twisted Domain Breachstone

I just did my first breachstone and the mobs had a spawning issue. I ran over the breach to activate it. no mobs showed up. I followed the breach to the end of the map, where there is supposed to a bridge(i could see it on the minimap) and it wasn't there. shortly after, i noticed an invisible mob. I was able to attack it, which started the mobs spawning. Once they started spawning, there was only a few seconds left and the timer ran out.

I'm very frustrated with this as i have been farming breach splinters for a week trying to get to this point.

I'd like to ask you to look into this issue and provide me with a breachstone.
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 5:04:59 PM
I have just literally hit the same issue, run over the breach and no mobs spawn and then the timer ran out and could not progress the map.

Incredibly frustrating having spent days farming enough to get a breach stone <sigh>
Just had exactly the same issue, no mobs spawn, timer runs down and i am at the end. Can´t cross the bridge... took me forever to farm the first stone
Had this happen today, no mobs spawned, kept hitting "invisible" walls which were enemies im guessing as i had to zig-zag around the area. Failed at the bridge as well.
Same for me, my first ever breachstone, I thought it was normal... So sad to have so many hours lost for nothing
Same here. -300 splinters gone

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