Bugged waystone maps

I've ran into a few problems since the patch, I've had like 3 maps in about 3 hours of maps that were unable to be finished due to a bug. The mammoth and necromancer boss on waystones, sometimes the necromancer won't spawn and you can't complete map. I've also had a few maps where the rare monsters have spawned outside of map range and can no longer complete map. I also had one where after I finished the boss I could no longer exit the room and had to menu out. All on waystone maps

Last edited by Ahack757#2314 on Jan 17, 2025, 3:37:30 PM
Last bumped on Jan 17, 2025, 5:42:59 PM
Hyena boss also will freeze and stand still and do no animations but will still do damage to you

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